4th May 2022
Damian Johnston in the Australian (25/4/22) has ‘blown the whistle’ on IBAC.
The CAA has long held the view that the ‘show trials’ conducted by IBAC were not a big step away from the medieval stocks, an instrument of the medieval 1300s, where alleged miscreants were exposed to public ridicule without conviction or a trial.
The only difference is that these IBAC ‘show trials’ do not include rotten tomatoes for the masses to throw at the hapless victim.
Operation Sandon, where the former Mayor of the City of Casey took her own life three days after receiving an interim finding from IBAC is something that is inexcusable in our alleged civilised society.
Amanda Stapleton had the indignity of being exposed to an IBAC ‘show trial’ and the most serious allegation put to her was she allegedly failed to declare a $25k political donation. Hardly worth a life but the degree of humiliation seems to have caused the loss.
It is alleged that no new information was achieved by the ‘show trial’ and the destruction of witnesses. Therefore, the exercise was one of humiliation, not examination.
A simple basic tenet of law applies,’ Innocent until proven guilty’ but apparently this does not apply to IBAC.
IBAC bragging about its social media exposure is a disgrace and should of itself be justification for its demise. This has been severely aggravated by the most recent leaks where it would appear that the IBAC media image trumps due process.
What has been amazing is just how quiet the legal fraternity is on this issue given these bastions of traditionalism of the Law are so vocal on any other deviations that impact the law, but holding people to ridicule, a severe punishment in itself, without a conviction or any due process is not challenged.
IBAC should be judged like a famous fish cannery slogan “It is the fish that John West rejects, that makes John West the best”
By applying that slogan to IBAC’s failure to take action on the Red Shirts, COVID Hotels, Racist recidivist Police executive white supremacist rants, politicians travel rorts, Health Department indiscretions, Police executive travel rorts, Police executive bullying, Gobbo affair and Slug-gate are the ones that IBAC rejects and should be judged unmercifully.
How this criminality is allowed to be ignored is a crime of itself.
It seems however, IBAC are well capable of applying substantial resources to a witch hunt called branch stacking. Much more Political than criminal but is an insight into what now must be seen as part of the political apparatus.
Moreover, what this issue also raises has to be the competence of IBAC and their need to resort to their extraordinary powers so, poorly applied.
Clearly, their investigative skills are compromised severely either by a lack of competent investigators, poor management, or both.
Serious consideration must be given to disposing of IBAC and replacing it with a new entity because above all else there is no evidence to suggest that IBAC is reducing corruption by simply picking off favourite cases to pursue. On that basis, they should really be kicking goals.
The latest alleged leaking of an interim report of matters under investigation exacerbates severely the ineptitude of IBAC and given the état d’esprit of IBAC towards the media the probability, that this document was deliberately leaked, is a genuine consideration. If that is so, that must mean the end of IBAC. It does not matter who made the leak, that it happened within IBAC must be worn by the organisation.
There should be no ‘that’s him over there’s problem’ in this one.
The failures are not only of IBAC itself but an even greater failure of the Inspectorate responsible for overseeing the entity and in turn the Parliamentary Oversight Committee. Overall, it is a catastrophic failure morally and at Law.
The CAA has proposed an alternate and a solution detailed at https://caainc.org.au/library/?doing_wp_cron=1650872927.2962388992309570312500 VICTORIA’S ANTI-CORRUPTION WAR
Although “show trials” should be referred to as public examinations. It is that process that is so damaging to both innocent and guilty alike. Like any criminal investigation, the due process of law must be followed and importantly individuals must have their guilt or innocence determined by a Court, not by innuendo or public servants by a public inquisition, where the victim is unable to defend themselves.
The whole process smacks of, ‘we know you did it but because we cannot prove it we will destroy you anyway’.
Even with the ability to pick and choose targets IBAC’s track record is abysmal, they would be unlikely to take on a case that they would lose, but that is probably explained by the criteria now exposed for taking on investigations; Media ratings potential.
The plaintive cry over funding would have to be tested against performance because simply providing more funding will not solve endemic issues within the ethos of the authority.
More funding will exasperate and amplify the problems and corruption will go on unabated.
A great article, truly, the actions of IBAC put Stalin’s show trials to shame.
Unelected so-called public servants should not be given unfettered powers to persecute citizens.
IBAC must be eliminated.
This statement above alone ‘IBAC’s failure to take action on the Red Shirts, COVID Hotels, Racist recidivist Police executive white supremacist rants, politicians travel rorts, Health Department indiscretions, Police executive travel rorts, Police executive bullying, Gobbo affair, and Slug-gate are the ones that IBAC rejects and should be judged unmercifully.’
Makes a mockery of IBAC when you Google the power it has-
‘What power does IBAC have?
IBAC is Victoria’s independent anti-corruption and police oversight agency. We have powers to identify, investigate, expose and prevent public sector corruption and police misconduct. bring criminal charges as a result of an investigation or refer matters to the Office of Public Prosecutions.’
‘Records show Andrews took the blows and did it his way’
1. Hotel Quarantine 801 dead-Self Employed Australia Not above the Law case
2. East-West Link
3. Traveling expenses rort
4. The Cedar Meats COVID outbreak
5. Redshirts Rorts
6. ICook Foods
7. Lawyer X
8. Get Pell
9. IBAC inquiry into the UFU/ CFA deal
10. Westgate Tunnel Project debacle
11. Missing 4500 ICU beds
12. Use of QR codes for purposes other than contract tracing
13. CCP backed Belts & Road deal
14. Branch stacking
And under this Government with IBAC missing in action, we have doubled the debt. The above should be enough for a 12-month Underbelly Series. Don’t need actors as they are already on the taxpayer-funded payroll
It’s well and good to call out the “shortcomings” of IBAC and the poor conduct of most of the Labour government members, but what I and the public of this state want to know, should know, is who or to what superior body IBAC is accountable to. If there’s no such beast then we might as well be living in Russia or China.
I recently put some very strong evidence to IBAC for an investigation relating to you -know-who, but it was rejected. The thing was, they didn’t even give me any reasons for the rejection, instead choosing to fabricate a reason which was totally unrelated. This organization needs to be investigated itself!
The rest of the Victorian public service, judiciary, police command, and the government as a whole is corrupt, so it is not too much of a stretch to think that IBAC is too. After all, every one of these people relies on LockDan Andrews for their job, and we know how much he values a written contract!
When the Dandenong Mechanics’ Institute brought the matter of Breach of a Trust, Trust theft, theft by deception, aiding and abetting, accessory after the fact, complicity, abuse of position, harassment, bullying, discrimination against the disabled and a number of proven and documented offenses by the CEOs and Councillors of the Greater City of Dandenong; IBAC’s response to the Committee and members of the Dandenong Mechanics’ Institute, ratepayers and public, even after the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission had found Council did indeed discriminate against the Institute’s disabled and other members was a finding of “..not a public interest complaint” and so no action taken against Council and no interest in stopping any further transgressions or illegal acts against the Institute and member of the public effected or soon to be effected. When I asked IBACs officer as to what all of the evidence was to be used for, if not for the prosecution of those who had done these things, their response was “…it will go into report which someone will look at…”. It seems that even with adequate evidence to prosecute in the State of Victoria, it is dependent on the will or interest of the Government and Police to prosecute who and when ‘they’ please. I feel that any prosecution in Victoria has gravity as part of the equation; as nothing ever seems to happen unless it is to effect anyone “below” a level set by the Government, meaning you may only be touched by the Law if you are of a level considered below the elites or those little men dressed in brief authority currently steering the bus.
Keep the Bastards Honest…. All of them…
Daniel Andrews still has a lot to answer for…..
But your right PRIORITISE …..
ICAC , IBAC, ACCC, we need them
Why not have grand jury’s behind closed doors like the yanks and let the public decide if there’s a prima facie case to go to trial?