13th June 2019
The PVISP has ticked off on several issues and progression is excellent.
We now have volunteers coming on board to ensure the success of the program.
Project evaluation
Dr Ray Shuey has volunteered to manage the measuring of the project as it develops, ensuring we can as necessary adjust the program to achieve maximum benefits.
Fiscal management
Michael Grosvero JP FCPA will manage the finances of the project to ensure compliance and best practice. Working with Dr Shuey, they will develop budgets and projected income demands to ensure the ongoing viability of the project.
Charitable status
The ACNA has accepted the CAA for Registration as a Charity.
Tax Status
The Australian Tax Office has issued the CAA with a Notice of Endorsement for Charity tax concessions effective from the 22nd of August 2019.
Fund sourcing
To date, the CAA has operated primarily on funds donated by the Board members, however, to augment this we have launched a Go-Fund-me page that has already started to attract donors, and although we do not anticipate that this will be our major funding source, it will provide basic funding in the development stage of the project. Future funding will be sourced by developing partnerships with appropriate entities. Such entities will be carefully screened before accepting their support.
Curriculum and associated matters
As previously announced Peter Jarvis, MOET, Dip Ed, B.Arts, Dip Police Studies, Dip Management, has joined us as our Educational Adviser and he is well on the way to completing the Curriculum and associated material for the project including the training of PVISP Operatives. He is confident that the completion of the necessary material is imminent.
Project Coordination
We welcome to the Board retired Detective Superintendent Frank Byrne and retired Chief Inspector Robin Bailey. These two appointees are critical to the project. They are both well qualified and experienced in this type of project and will work closely with our Educational Adviser to get the program off the ground. With one based in Geelong and the other in the East, they can coordinate over wider areas. These members will also be involved in the selection process for suitable former Police members to deliver the program.
School Participation
All 1900 Primary Schools have been invited to submit expressions of interest to be considered for the PVISP program. This exercise will determine the size of the market we need to service, and although the invitations were only circulated on the 13th of June Replies have already started.
Former Police participation
Locating and inviting former Police to participate is somewhat more difficult as there is no reliable database available so we will be initially relying on social media but as soon as we have sufficient funds we propose to run advertisements in print media to let the former members know of the project. We have already secured several volunteers, but we are realists and understand that we need many more.
We are currently negotiating to Insure the volunteers as ‘Voluntary workers’ We expect that currently, we will not be able to cover this cost which we would anticipate is substantial, however, the Policy will be negotiated to a stage so that it can be activated at short notice.
Identity/ branding
The identity and branding of this project for uniforms etcetera is currently under consideration by a partner organisation, and as soon as this matter is resolved, advice will be provided, and the design and style of a uniform will be undertaken.
Project Launch
The Project will be launched at a time to be determined, but it will be when we are at a stage that a tangible function of the project can be demonstrated.