Recently The Community Advocacy Alliance Inc. (CAA) emailed a letter to you relating to the North Richmond, so called, Safe Injecting Room pointing out the utterly inappropriate siting of such a facility.  We requested you to use your power to prevent the continuing sacrificing of the physical and psychological health of children who live near that facility and who attend the nearby school.

A majority of you opted to ignore our plea and have passed legislation ensuring that the well-being of children will continue to be sacrificed to the needs of drug addicts.  For this, those who voted to pass this legislation ought to be thoroughly ashamed.

How in good conscience any thinking adult could believe the needs of drug addicts could outweigh the protection of little children beggars belief. see
Legislation can always be repealed.

The CAA implores you to reconsider this barbarous act and repeal this cruel legislation, and, if such a facility is to be continued, choose a site where children and local residents are not so adversely impacted on a daily basis.

Would you have your children, if any, raised next to an Injecting Room?  If you answer honestly, your answer would be a resounding no.

If you voted against the permanent continuance of the Injecting Room at the North Richmond site, we congratulate you.  If you voted for the continuance, we utterly deplore your inhumanity in continuing to sacrifice children in 2023 and beyond.

The CAA will continue to do all it can to protect the rights of affected children and local residents.

(It should be noted the CAA has proposed a much better health related approach to dealing with drug addiction.)