24th April 2022
An ex-police detective Shane Reid who took a photo of former AFL coach Dani Laidley in custody has been cleared of all charges leaving a fair amount of egg on the face of the Victoria Police, which must be severely embarrassing.
If not, then it should be.
Severely embarrassed because VicPol with all the resources applied to this matter VicPol could not work out that there was no criminality on the ex-Detectives part.
Poor management prioritisation grinds with all Victorians who have waited for Police never to arrive to deal with their problems and the failure to prosecute blatant criminality in the Red Shirts and Slug-Gate matters.
A matter of woke trumping responsibility.
The issue of whether Dani Laidley is a cross-dresser is of no concern to us. Examples of cross-dressing date back thousands of years in various cultures, it is not something of particular import.
But what does greatly concern us are the priorities to which VicPol applies its resources. In this case to a non-offence.
After a long investigation and a two-day Court hearing, the magistrate found that,
“The prosecution had failed to establish the ex-detective’s actions were criminal behaviour rather than workplace misconduct.”
Dismissing the charges, the Magistrate ordered that the Chief Commissioner (us) pay ex-detective Reid’s costs.
We agree that the photographing of Laidley was inappropriate, unprofessional and aggravated by passing it on, albeit to a closed social media site and deserved disciplinary sanctions but whether that included suspensions or dismissal, we doubt it.
What has been overlooked by all the hullabaloo about the Police action is that Laidley was in the Police Station to be charged with “Stalking” offences. Stalking can be a horrendous experience for the victim and given the nature of the stalking, as reported, it would be on the higher end of the scale. Ultimately pleading guilty there is no doubt Laidley’s behaviour was abhorrent.
Seven police employees were suspended and another six were transferred to other duties over the incident.
“Assistant Commissioner Shane Patton described it at the time as appalling and unlawful criminal conduct.” https://www.afl.com.au/news/524813/former-north-coach-dani-laidley-avoids-conviction-for-stalking#
It is unclear if he is referring to Police or Laidley, we hope the latter.
Now that the behaviour is identified by the court was not criminal, the thirteen officers should now be returned to active duty albeit that some disciplinary issues may need resolution but given the dire need for police on our streets and with the Court finding ratcheting down the outrage any residual disciplinary matters should suffer the same treatment.
We cannot afford to lose any of them, they cost too much, and it is our money after all.
This exercise by VicPol was clearly motivated by wanting to appear woke and no matter how much they wished that the matter was a criminal offence it was not, and wishing it so makes it more of an embarrassment. Interesting to know what diminutive part of the community they were trying to impress, it certainly was not mainstream.
VicPol needs to focus on their function not trying to be woke social progressives at our expense, in dollar terms and service.
Remember it is our money, not yours to spend on social whims.
All in all, much to do about not very much except the cost to us.
Time to get back to the real job at hand.
Thanks for the clarity. I would imagine that those that made the decision to prosecute those members should themselves be stood down, what incompetence.
I have seen this incompetence in prosecuting members before with disastrous effects.
Reinstating ex members should be a priority
Vic police have shown their complete politically driven agenda and anti citizenry attitude.There is no way back for the organisation and I am sad for the few police that are genuine and normal. Never again will I trust them . They are a known enemy to be watched at all times and NEVER believed or trusted.
I no longer trust Victoria police to conduct proper investigations… construct factual briefs of evidence or carry out unbiased and proper prosecutions.
After supporting them for years I wouldn’t even speak to them
Their behaviour here in Ballarat is biased and quite disgraceful. I’ve seen them personally refuse to charge people who are their mates with traffic offences and unlawful assault. I’ve actually witnessed this and it disgusted me.
Not my police force and need a clean out from the top down..
The leaders of this organisation have a lot to answer for. They need to grow some backbone rather than worrying about being a muppet for government. It is laughable that they can endorse members to drive high speed vehicles at high speed and when they do so they turn around and charge them with offences that on conviction would see the member receive a sentence of up to 10 years imprisonment. Too worried about pleasing their masters who appoint them to these positions rather than policing the community.
Excellent article – that’s summed up the current management style of Shane Patton.
I’d be looking at the Professional Standards Command and their bullish behaviour in dealing with these and other types of investigations –
Can’t believe they had the time for this crap, thought they would be too busy booking learner drivers and their parents for spreading covid while isolated in their cars.
Seems the police dont give a toss about the law or fair process they just make up whatever they want and keep getting away with it Thats not upholding the law thats perverting it and That is what Vicpolice now are Perverters.
Interesting you might look at Sgt Bruno Staffieri who is being interviewed again this week after being charged with disciplinary for putting his Christian beliefs on social media. Fighting DC Paterson
Great Article
Just continues to show that VicPol senior management are not there to protect and serve the community they are there to enforce this Government’s leftist agenda.
Pregnant woman arrested in Ballarat for creating anti-lockdown protest event on FacebookZoe Buhler is the fourth person charged with incitement in Victoria in recent days as police take a hardline approach to ‘Freedom Day’ protests
Who could forget this utter disgraceful arrest of a pregnant woman in her own home? No police were charged, Andrews refused to apologise and was just an example of the Starlin Police State we have under Andrews. While there are many honest hard working police incidents like this alone that should have Victorians prepared to vote Andrews out The Buck Stops with him as he creates his own laws to oppress and control the masses- The Great Reset and New World Order is now a conspiracy not theory. Andrews’s behavior mirrors the beginning of Communism
I am a veteran of policing, serving with Victoria Police 1970-88, mostly CIB.
I resigned in 1988 later found to be incapacitated through PTSD, major depression
as a result of events encountered while in the job.
I’ve kept at it, some jobs, raising a great family with my wife of 48 years who has been with me right throughout….extended psychiatric hospital admissions and constant treatment.
About twelve months ago I contacted caainc and presume you may hold the details (emails) of those contacts which describe an interaction (assault, false imprisonment)as a VICTIM whoch I reported to Wodonga Police in June’21.
In brief I reported that while on Crown Land near Wodonga (fishing!) I was accosted by two adjacent landowner farmers with no right to even approach me. I was abused with threats to arrest while having a gate closed on me to hold me against my will.
Daily, for many years I endure severe mental illness with ongoing medication.
The encounter that day with the farmers, as my doctors agree resulted in lengthy psychiatric hospital admission and intense psychological treatment since.
The local police’s effort to investigate my matter has been diabolical,lies ineptitude and finally
“ no offence detected, no action”
In short, a citizen is confronted and held against his will on public land which CAUSED severe (mental) injury requiring hospitalization and ongoing treatment. No different to a physical assault.
My request direct to CCP for a review was agreed, same result NOD.
In pursuit of this matter, despite many requests, police refuse to give me a copy of the review outcome OR their reasons why I am not privy to such.
Are you able to assist?
Hi Patrick
As we previously advised you should seek the services of a Lawyer as we are unable to asisit you.
You may also seek to acess the document with a Freedom of Information (FOI) application.
The last sentence of Andrew Castle’s comment is spot on: “Andrew’s behaviour mirrors the beginning of communism.” I wonder how many people realise this. Andrew’s fatherly, patronising appearances in the media unfortunately manage to fool many. When will the community wake up??
They are acting as a political protection service see how many big ears had surrounding him . Our vets would have had him if they could the man is an incompetent deluded psychopath