by CAA | Oct 1, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
1st of October 2018
Music Festivals like “Listen Out” attract a fairly consistent demographic, or so you would expect. Similar results between the two largest cities in Australia hosting the festival, at least from a Policing perspective.
The usual offences at these events are associated with drugs so the police role is one of prevention and in these circumstances that is done by detection of illicit drugs.
In both states there were plenty of warnings about a zero tolerance by police so you would have to be a moron to front up with a pocket full of drugs. Unfortunately there are plenty of morons.
It appears zero tolerance has different meanings in different places.
Charged with detecting crime at the “Listen out” festival in New South Wales the constabulary detected and arrested 150 offenders. An offending rate of 1in every 214 patrons.
And what do you think the figures would have been for the same Festival in Melbourne five days before?
You would expect a near similar figures to NSW. A number somewhere around 70 would be reasonable but you guessed it. It is reported that Melbourne really stands out with two arrests, neither for drug offence but drunkenness.
Even if you count then19 diversions and 3 cautions issued that still only brings the Melbourne figure to 25 or 1 to every 600 patrons. There are some variations in the reported figures but the best case is stretched to a bit over 30.
This means one of two things. Either detection methods are not as effective in Victoria or the Victorian festival goers are smarter.
Alas and sadly the latter is unlikely.
That is the tale of two cities.
by CAA | Sep 29, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
27th September 2018
If ever there was a need for a major inquiry, it is into the debacle known as Victoria Police Information Technology, the compelling identification of failures in today’s Herald Sun 27/9/18 demand no less of a response.
Delving deeper into this issue it seems we Victorians have forked out millions of dollars for no meaningful result yet. Difficult to pin down but half a billion would seem a fair estimate.
In July, Victoria Police went to market for a large tranche of IT outsourcing services, in a deal which will reportedly be worth up to $340 million and see five separate outsourcing contracts consolidated into one substantial contract representing one of the largest such deals in Australia’s public sector this year. Setting aside the IT project issue — projects which have catastrophically failed before — Victoria Police is fundamentally revolutionising its ICT delivery model as a whole right now, outsourcing most of its work.
Now that sounds like there is hope and the solution is just around the corner. but that comment was published in 2013 – 5 years ago.
And it is not as though the Government was not warned.
A report published by the State Services Authority in Victoria in March 2012 found that the (VicPol) division had no ability to deliver such projects
November 2009 a report handed down by Victoria’s Ombudsman found that the department’s IT management had a “disregard for proper procurement and contract management”
A litany of failures at management level have resulted in police members having one hand tied behind their back.
In an era where you can have an app on your phone or IPad for almost anything can the solution be so difficult.
I can lodge receipts and receive payments for health insurance using an app as I can check the weather radar or track every international flight in real time, accessing data for police should be straight forward.
It is true that problems preceded the current government but they have thrown over three hundred million at the problem with a promise to fix it including the appointment of a Deputy Police Commissioner to manage the program. Another Government exercise in throwing money at a problem hoping that will fix it, it has not and probably will not. Time to get somebody who knows what they are doing to solve it.
There should be some rolling heads over this absolute embarrassment, recouping some of the millions spent for no result that puts all Victorians at risk, not to mention our police members.
by CAA | Sep 25, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
25th September 2018
The Community Advocacy Alliance Inc. (CAA), formed over three and a half years ago, is a body of citizens including retired very senior police, a wide range of business people, victim’s advocates and social workers who are concerned about a number of issues affecting Victorians. The CAA set out to be apolitical and initially the CAA concentrated on suggesting reforms to the way in which the Victoria Police operated and on promoting changes to the criminal justice system. Our efforts have been rebuffed by the Victoria Police and by the Government. Our offer to consult with both is still open.
Putting aside for the moment the Law and Order issues, in light of the coming State Election we have identified the major issue, a need for ethical and honest government as an overarching necessity.
An examination of the present Government’s decisions, activities and performance discloses the Victorians have been let down in terms of governance and good government. Some of the activities are alleged to be criminal.
The real possibility is that if the current Government is returned a number of their elected members may face criminal charges including current Minsters. If that transpires and they are convicted the Government may be forced back to the polls and we Victorians will have to foot the bill, not to mention the disruption to Governance of our State.
The CAA invites all Victorians to bear these issues in mind when casting their vote at the next election. We need good, ethical, honest and accountable government and must not settle for less.
Kelvin (Kel) Glare AO APM.
Chair, Community Advocacy Alliance Inc.
by CAA | Sep 24, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
24th September 2018
The argument proffered by Les Twentyman on how we should treat young offenders is however flawed and omits important steps in the process of accountability for young people.
The argument that Police not intervening in potentially violent events is the best strategy as intervention may increase violence is sadly a myth as it infers police are the instigators of the violence. It is however, their obligation that they must intervene to maintain law and order as their obligation is to the broader community. We have seen recently non-intervention spawns more disobedience.
The perpetrators instigate the violence by their civil disobedience. Civil compliance does not generate violence.
Often overlooked in commentary on perpetrators, particularly young people, is the Police Cautioning Program. Not to be confused with a Caution issued by the courts.
The Police Cautioning Program is in need of updating and should be properly resourced and broadened substantially. Investing well in this program will be substantially cheaper and as statistics point out more effective than the Courts. Sadly, the program has seen a trend towards less use of this important tool over recent years, which correlates to the increase in crime. Research shows that the program has the best non-recidivism rates of any of the law enforcement functions as shown in the Crime Statistics Agency research.
There is no doubt that there is an important role for Youth workers to be an integral part of this process so that the Police Cautioning Program can build on its non-recidivism rate already better than the courts best efforts.
The community wants lawlessness to be curtailed as it manifests but will support a program that helps correct young people’s behaviour without long-term consequences, but there must be some consequences.
Press reports give the impression that the number of cautions issued by the Courts is quite high so why not give the caution by Police and cut out all the waste.
We know that there is a better chance of the police caution working anyway.
by CAA | Sep 20, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
20th September 2018
Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?
The Herald Suns and the Age today (20th Sept’18) published stories that there is a proposal to furnish State MPs allegedly involved in the Red Shirts theft by deception with a questionnaire over their involvement in the scam.
Lawyers were quick to label this proposal as highly unusual, they are very kind, ridiculous would be our take and no competent Law Enforcement Agency would even consider the idea, suggesting that this may not have come from the Investigators but somebody causing mischief.
If this was a serious consideration, and we do not believe it could be, there are number of factors that need to be explained for those who think it could be reasonable.
- Would the questionnaire be inadmissible as evidence?
- Most importantly, rule number one for any prosecution is proof of identity and a questionnaire cannot determine that.
- For the benefit of the suspect (the MP), who administers and is satisfied that a caution is understood?
- How do any answers given get tested?
- And how is a jurat administered?
No, this cannot possibly be a proposal from a competent investigation team; this is wishful thinking by somebody.
Our advice to the MP’s involved – make sure you are up early each morning as a knock on the door is coming.
by CAA | Sep 10, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
20th September 2018
Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius on Sunday night tried to deflect the criticism by The Police Association (TPAV), Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) and the public of the lack of police on the frontline.
It is true there is a reduction in Jewellery Shop robberies as claimed but crime does not stand still it evolves probably attributable to the offenders growing out of the behaviour rather than the success off arrests or our penal system.
Crime is not referred to as” a crime wave” by coincidence. The nature of the behaviour comes in waves. The current one being Airbnb causing the community grief. You will notice Bank robberies used to be a pandemic as did Horse stealing and Rum theft before that.
There is a shrill cacophony coming from the community. A pity Police Command and the Government has a tin ear to the issue.
by CAA | Sep 10, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
Different Thinking – Drugs |
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) has accepted a challenge by Matt Johnston of the Herald Sun to apply different thinking to the Ice and by natural extension the entire illicit drug problem.
The CAA comprises retired executive police with over 300 years of experience, Social workers, Victims’ advocates, former and current lawyers, and representatives of the corporate and business sectors. The diversity of its experience is the CAA strength.
There is no debate that the present system and strategies have failed miserably and the growth of the drug epidemic rolls on unfettered.
Therefore, the basic premise of this paper is that what we are doing is failing and although this paper may not be the panacea, it cannot be any worse than what we are doing.
The first major premise is that the CAA believes the answer lies in the overall philosophical approach to the issue. The problem is not one of criminality, social issues, or health. It is all of these things and more, so we need to address the problem from an overall perspective.
The CAA draws upon the philosophy behind marketing, “Supply and Demand.”
Anybody who has any experience with the free market concepts will cite many examples of where demand spawns the supply and where demand diminishes so does supply. An excellent example is the growth of the illicit tobacco industry and the introduction of chop-chop into the market. A demand created for a cheaper alternative to retail cigarettes and an illicit industry blossomed. It was not that long ago that chop-chop was a minor part of this industry with very few people accessing or knowing how to access the product.
Targeting the end user (Demand) rather than the cigarette manufactures (Supply) making smoking socially unacceptable has been a highly successful strategy.
Tackling the demand side is the only effective way of achieving any meaningful inroads to reducing the prevalence and availability of illicit drugs. Where demand slows the initial impact on the supply line will be to cut overheads and reduce cost. This will inevitably lead to fewer supply lines as they become uneconomical. That we are talking about criminal activity makes no difference criminals are in the illicit drug business for the easy riches and the lifestyle..
To understand this drug problem some truths that must be exposed.
- To become addicted takes more than one experiment in the vast majority of cases so addiction is a path sought, not an accident.
- Addicts are generally in denial about their addiction “I am in control I am not addicted – I can stop at any time if I wanted”.
- The vast majority of drug users are addicts ,
- The vast majority of addicts service their addiction by criminal activity
- By far and away, most addicts are drug pushers.
- Drug addicts enjoy their drug lifestyle – it is as addictive sometimes as the drug. No responsibilities – no work – no family pressure – loads of cash the night life the girls the tough men, the excitement and mystique of the bikes it is like living a dream for many – the ultimate cop out.
- The first step for recovery of an addict is to admit they are addicted
- Drug addicts are accomplished manipulators and liars and this trait does the most harm to the addict’s family. Believe nothing a drug addict has to say.
- A drug addict cannot be rehabilitated until they decide they want to be. The best that can be done is to encourage that path and make the option of addiction less palatable.
- Drug taking and addiction can in many cases surface while a child is still at Primary School.
Our plan has many new and original ideas and revamps many that have been successful in the past. It will need some new money from the government but is aimed at redirecting existing funding rather than new.
We have no doubt that there are many worthwhile projects that deserve support and inclusion but we have to start somewhere and build a framework that can accommodate other initiatives. As these initiatives are implemented, we will see other programs included, both existing and future.
A major issue is that current anti-addiction/drugs programs are not coordinated. Everybody is doing his or her own thing.
As a community we have no method to manage and ensure that drug addicts are accessing proper medical care. Obversely we have no idea if the appropriate care is extended to the younger people who have the propensity to be susceptible to becoming involved with in the allure of the drug scene. Equally, in Law Enforcement it is essential that all the effort is not biased toward recidivists or major suppliers at the expense of preventative work to reduce the demand.
To achieve a better outcome the CAA has designed a framework so that the various functions can be included and where there is a gap that gap can be filled whether by redirecting resources from a more heavily resourced area or creating new programs.
More importantly the various programs can be subjected to ongoing assessment to ensure relevance and to ensure the objectives set are being met.
The CAA welcomes constructive criticism of this initiative but absolutely rejects any criticism that is not accompanied by an alternative. Criticism for criticisms sake is pointless anyway.
Part 1
Before the problem.
- Pre School
- Parent Training –
Parenting is the most important job anybody can take on in their life and is about the only one for which there is no Degree, Certificate IV, or anything else. Most new parents rely on life experiences, which can be problematic.
Introducing training, in particular as it relates to their Child’s social development, is best done at the times when the parents are most focused on their child and forward-looking.
At this critical time in a child’s development, (in reality and in particular in the minds of the parents) is at pre-school or immediately when they start Primary School.
Basic training in behavioral and development issues are best delivered by a clinician in child behavioral discipline.
A three night by two-hour session for all parents organised by the school aimed at the prep grade children’s parents should be adequate and marketed as quasi mandatory. The police members working at the school as part of the PISP can be introduced to the parents as a potential resource. That introduction would be critical as it portrays the relationship in the various disciplines. A new initiative organised by all primary Schools.
- Police In Schools Program –
The primary focus of the Police in Schools Program (PISP) should be on these formative years where social skills can be addressed, as can anti-social behaviours. Basic concepts of right and wrong together with social responsibilities in a structured program delivered by trained Police School Resource Officers (SRO) can have a positive lasting effect on the development of children at this age.
The Child’s personal safety skills can start to be developed creating basic situational awareness techniques.
Although the focus of the SROs is on the grades 3-4 they have a much broader function within the school community. SROs become a reference point for concerned parents whether it relates to a child or their own personal circumstance like domestic violence or illicit drug use within their family or neighbourhood.
The SROs become an integral part of each school community they manage and can be an early warning resource for a number of community risk factors.
Victoria Police should reintroduce this essential program. which should extend throughout the school life of every student.
The following proposals should be considered in light of this requirement
As young people start to think about developing their social skills, fly the coop, to the exclusion of their parents, the core function of Blue Light becomes evident. Designed for young people to enjoy social events free from alcohol, violence and drugs the Blue Light Disco program provides a safe environment that parents find acceptable and the young people relate to, a rare phenomenon at this age.
Supervised and run by off duty police members supported by other emergency Service Personnel and community volunteers the program has many positives too numerous to list here. Providing a safe space for these early developments is essential. Victoria Police should re-engage with Blue Light in a positive way.
Blue Light Discos make a profit and the money is channelled back into the community, an often overlooked advantage of the program. With the reintroduction of SROs and Embedded Police Officers (Secondary School EPOs) the money can be channelled to assist them directly contributing to the community they serve giving added value to their function.
An extension of the Blue Light program, the Maldon Blue Light Youth camp provides structured activities and while having fun is an essential part of any adventure camp the underlying focus of Derby Hill is Safety, Independence and Road Safety and integrates with the Bike-Ed program developed within the Primary Schools. The camps capacity needs to be substantially increased from about 4000 children per year at this site or an additional site established to allow the advantages of this program to be wide enough to have substantial impact. Victoria Police need to re-engage with the Youth Camp in a positive way.
Another youth program from which Victoria Police disengaged some years ago needs to be reconnected. The strategies developed by the New Start Program can be applied to students in the primary system already showing signs of disengagement from education. Irrespective of whether it is the child’s problems or problems at home, Operation New Start can engage troubled young people early and outside the school gate, beyond the limitation of educators.
A unique program developed by the Night Club Industry is an ideal vehicle to commence drug minimisation and risk taking hopefully before the children are exposed to illicit drugs. The content may not be to everybody’s taste but letting young people know what they could possibly be ingesting at this early stage in their social development and when they are starting to be very body conscious has substantial merit. That it is delivered by people in the Night Club Industry gives the message credibility in the eyes of the students.
- Police Cautioning Program
A revamped Police Cautioning program used to intervene in any criminal or anti-social activity by young people is a corner stone of diversion. Introducing punitive penalties agreed to by the parent and the cautioning Officer can be very effective. From losing their phone for a week to curfews, or school detentions could form the arsenal of sanctions but creative additions would be encouraged. Critically, with the parent’s or guardians’ consent the School class coordinator or other appropriate school official could be invited to join the process, as should the SRO from the Primary School and where appropriate the Operation New Start representative. The child can see that their behaviour is not acceptable to a broad cross section of authority figures. As participation in the process of a caution is an invitation by police as an alternative to Court, the police and the Parents have substantial freedom to find creative ways to teach the child that their behaviour has undesirable consequence. Should the child offend again the consequences should increase.
If a child develops into a recidivist then the courts must acknowledge the function and importance of the Police Cautioning Program and determine sentence on the basis that the child has already received two or three cautions before arriving at Court. The Courts in appropriate circumstances could refer children back to the police Cautioning program freeing up Court time.
Critical to the success of this program is that the child is cautioned within a relatively short time of being detected committing an offence. To expedite matters a full brief is not required and a simplified approval process would see the child processed and cautioned within seven days. The timing is a critical factor in the success or otherwise of this program.
- Parental training (Secondary)
An extension of the early training program by Clinicians applied to parenting an adolescent or young adult. A difficult time for most parents training at this stage alerting parents to what they may be confronted with as the child matures and develops through puberty at a critical point in their development.
How to deal with children testing their boundaries and how to manage risk taking behaviours including drugs and alcohol.
- Police in schools (Secondary)
Embedded Police Officers (EPOs) in Secondary Schools is a major initiative that will have substantial influence on young people as they move through the secondary education system. The benefits are not too hard to identify but above all else the role model these police will provide is invaluable. The EPOs working with the SROs can provide continuing management of problematic young people. EPOs will develop lifelong influences on young people and be a critical support mechanism for young people who find themselves victims of crime or anti-social behaviour. As with SROs, EPOs will perform functions that currently fall unfairly on the shoulders of educators who are sometimes ill equipped to manage some problems and are restricted to the school gate minimising their impact. Police can and will follow up at the child’s home with whatever action or additional services that may need to be applied.
- Police Cautioning Program
A continuation of this program in secondary years is critical to divert young people and additional resources and research must be applied to improve the effectiveness and success rate of this program. The program has been derided by sectors of the legal community claiming police have no role to play in the dispensing of justice. These critics are clearly basing their position on self-interest not the interest of the young people. The legal system cannot fairly claim the moral high ground in this debate. Enough jurists have not covered themselves with glory in their deliberations and outcomes to support that claim. It may however be a sound strategy to have a senior Jurist as a consultant to the project as it needs to be expanded dramatically. This would gain credibility within the legal fraternity and bridge the current gap between the program and the legal system.
Although a labour intensive program, it nevertheless can save the community many thousands of dollars by taking care of the worst and most likely young people who disengage from education, far too often prematurely. Coordinated with the Police Cautioning Program this very effective program needs to be resourced properly. Victoria Police disengaged from Operation New Start some time ago but the program in an abridged version continues in a limited fashion. However the architects and managers of the scheme need to be consulted on the best way forward. The potential for Service Clubs to become actively involved in this program should be explored.
Conducted as a field trip this program can alert young people to the dangers of illicit drugs as well as educate them on the protocols of going out. The session held at a (Closed) Night Club is likely to have greater penetration than if the subject was delivered in the classroom. Young people see the people involved in the Night Club Industry as having credibility on this subject. Understanding what constitutes bad behaviour at these venues has a ‘knock on’ effect to the child’s behavioural development. Contrary to critics who claim it is encouraging young people to attend Night Clubs, there is no evidence to support that theory. Most responsible people however would rather their offspring venture to a well-controlled Night Club when old enough, as opposed to a party in a short-term rental property without controls or walking the streets meeting in parks or other public places after hours.
- Police and Citizens Youth Clubs
A highly effective program that operates in nearly every other State but is limited to just one club in Victoria that has little connection with police, the PCYC is a program worth exploring.
Although initial set up costs can be substantial the clubs usually become self-sufficient in a very short time. Clubs have substantial gym equipment and the commercial use of the Gym offsets running costs and usually returns a healthy profit that can be channelled back into youth programs often funding youth worker outreach work. The demand for safe Gyms for adults, particularly for females, is very important and the PCYCs fill a gap. At least clients of the club can be assured that their Gym is not surreptitiously run by Outlaw Motor Cycle Gangs or other organised crime. With the support of the Government and police a working party should examine and provide a frame work for the development of PCYCs for Victoria. Another piece to the puzzle.
As a child is exposed through the various stages of this strategy a consistent reinforcement of the message associated with the risk of experimenting or being associated with drugs needs to be reinforced by constant reminders of the risks. Reinforcing the risks at every opportunity supports parents and young people but it is essential that a common simple message is portrayed wit uniform graphics whether the messages are on the back of toilet doors attached to school communications posters where young people traverse the message must be simple and clear and directly aimed at discouraging experimentation. “Would you put this in your body” with graphics of the various undesirable products detected in illicit drugs particularly party drugs.
Using the techniques of the advertising industry with point of sale advertising these principles can be applied to this issue and would be incredibly cost effective as the material once displayed would be anticipated to have a substantial shelf life. The familiarity of the same message exposure at multiple places over an extended period (years) can impact and change behaviours.
Part 2
Addressing the problem
- Adult Driver Cautioning program.
A paper entitled, “Lose your licence lose, your life” prepared by the CAA on this subject is attached for reference but in summary the idea is to make the penalties imposed on young drivers commensurate with the offence. Minor offences need to be dealt with compassionately, not draconian penalties that far too often ruin people’s lives. Having penalties imposed that are determined by legislation that exceed the penalties regularly dispensed for serious criminal activity is unjust and breeds contempt for authority.
The impact on young drivers can be catastrophic as they generally lose their job (in many cases apprenticeships that they do not return to) so they cannot pay their fines or maintain the payments on their car or compliance fees. It creates a vicious circle that often spirals the young person towards less desirable behaviours. They are confronted with what appear to be insurmountable problems for which there is no solution or way out.
Restricting car use using technology could be part of the deterrent for a breach of the road law. Allowing minor traffic offenders to drive at certain times and places, for example, to work, school or for other legitimate but not social purposes could be administered through an expanded police cautioning program freeing up expensive Court time. A driver would need to elect to be cautioned so they agree to conditions or other penalties imposed by the Police Cautioning Officer. If the driver is aggrieved by the Caution conditions or they breach the agreed conditions they can elect to be or can be referred to the Magistrates Court.
The solution to managing breaches to this program could be as simple as installing a low cost timer or tracking device on the driver’s vehicle.
It seems crazy that we impose penalties that cause so much harm and have such a detrimental effect on the work capacity of drivers and such an adverse economic impact particularly on the welfare bill for relatively minor matters. Surely, this was not a deliberate strategy but unintended consequences. Are we that cruel? See attachment.
This change in direction does not recommend that the attention to drug cartels and other major players in the drug industry should be curtailed but a balance back toward more effectively dealing with the end user or customer and low level dealers must be the new focus.
Tackling the problem from the bottom removes or reduces demand causing more grief to the kingpins who then have to move their operations closer to the market eliminating steps in the process to save on overheads risking exposure.
Dealing with the problem at street level needs a mechanism to expeditiously process offenders and reduce the veil of anonymity and apparent indemnity from prosecution.
A useful analogy is policing itself. If you want to have an ineffective police service, reduce the numbers of police at the bottom end. The result is an unsustainable bloating at the top, which must ultimately be shrunk to replace the Police on the coalface. Simple structural realities. When applied to the drug trade, market forces do the job. Rather than external intervention which is the inevitable result needed in a bureaucracy to correct misalignment. Reducing demand for drugs will achieve the same outcome in that industry.
Similar to other adult police cautioning a drug cautioning Officer is supported by a clinician to respond to the welfare both physical and mental of the offender. Under this program offenders can be directed to attend assessment interviews recommended by a participating Clinician and agree to non-association conditions identified in the cautioning process.
We need to pressure addicts to identify their suppliers with an advantage to the addict if they do. We understand that the information generally available from an addict is of little intelligence value as it will be generally something like:” I get my shit from Travis, I ring him and he meets me”. The phone number will be to a throwaway and the supplier who is streetwise will be difficult to trace. The process is more aimed at putting pressure on the supplier and help drive the trade underground off the streets making operations difficult and reducing exposure of the illicit trade to our kids.
We continue to be amazed that the trade is allowed to flourish out in the open exposing all to its evil. Community leaders tend somehow to be unresponsive to this overt trading, as is the hierarchy of Police.
Lack of police action is a direct contradiction of the aims of policing and the Mission Statement for Victoria Police. Driving the problem underground may remove the exposure of ordinary citizens using toilets or going about their business not having to avoid used syringes and other paraphernalia let alone drug addicts off their face or ice addicts strutting around without their shirts, on the cusp of turning violent.
We suggest dozens of low-level dealers could be apprehended every day at present if Police carried out their sworn duty.
- Drugs Impact on Road Safety.
The actual impact on road safety is not exactly known but anecdotally police members are convinced the problem is far greater than we are led to believe. The over focus on alcohol presumably masks the true depth of the drug problem. One example that we all see on our roads from time to time is the lunatic weaving through the traffic hanging out the window usually without a shirt on, irrespective of the weather. Those in the know realise this person is high on Ice. The current option of calling 000 is a waste of time as the job is rarely is ever tasked or followed up, reinforcing the perception that even Police are not interested in following up on addicts.
The ability for the public to report this type and other bad road behaviours and have some action taken is now counter intuitive to the mantra of policing asking for public help in other areas. We accept that often the public do not provide sufficient information and encouraging them to get the registration number could encourage risk.. However there needs to be follow up and an explanation to the complainant as to the outcome of the reported incident.
Next time that member of the public might witness something more than an errant driver and their cooperation is critical.
Essential to bring pressure on dealers is a concept that when a drug addict progresses through the legal process there are two requirements mandated for assessing sentencing. The first is that they must identify their supplier and secondly being effected by self-induced drugs cannot be used to mitigate their criminal behaviour.
The need also exists for powers for Police to compulsorily drug test every suspect or person charged so that the true depth and breadth of the issue can be measured.
This approach also can pressure the addict into admitting their addiction, step one in any chance of rehabilitation. A positive result must be followed by a charge in relation to the use of the drug making it more difficult for the denial of the addict to continue. It is also essential that the courts record a conviction based on the test making denial even more difficult. The ability to require many addicts to confront their addiction that they try to hide of itself will act as a deterrent. The courts and the corrections system can then know in advance the drug status of the addict.
- Jail / secure facility – A New Paradigm.
The creation of a Drugs and Mental Health Facility (DAMHF) has a number of advantages. It can address overcrowding of jails and the likely flow on to the penal system from this drug initiative will provide the essential expanded capacity for the prison system. Rather than simply construct another jail along the lines of the current models developing and building a high capacity dormitory style facility that is secured by Corrections staff, aided by substantial electronic security systems, but where detainees are treated as patients managed by clinicians. Providing a structured day for the inmates, the facility would house both long term and short-term prisoners/patients. It should be deigned to deal with long term mentally ill inmates whose period of detention managed by clinicians and have the capacity to deal with short-term drug addicts.
Not designed to be the sole rehabilitation centre for addicts but a piece of the rehabilitation process. This facility could take the weight off Corrections and lead to better outcomes for the community and inmates alike. At last, there would be a facility that could house people who are too ill to be left to their own devices (a current cruel practise) or house ill people who pose too greater risk to be immediately released back into the community
- Mandatory detention for addicts.
Although at first glance draconian, this concept may be the best method to dramatically reduce the number of drug addicts in society. It is well recognised that the only drug addict that can be reformed is one that wants to be, otherwise nothing known works. Lies and false promise from an addict are part and parcel of the process but nothing will change until a decision is made voluntarily.
Mandatory short term sentences will achieve a number of positives.
- Addicts can be assessed both physically and mentally.
- The short stay gives the opportunity for the addict to break the nexus of their addiction both socially and physically.
- An addict will not want to go through the withdrawal process for a second time and if they do they may be encouraged more easily to follow an alternate path making appropriate decisions.
- The drug supplier to the addict or pusher will not know whether their identity has been given to Police making life difficult for them. A former addict supports the potential The ‘yo–yo’ effect experienced by recidivist in and out of the facility. This will create pressure and opportunity for addicts to opt out of their addiction. Ending up in jail every few weeks can be a powerful incentive to seek rehabilitation.
- Families can have some short respite from the addict.
Serving a nominal sentence will give the addict a chance to clean up physically and be engaged in useful structured activity that may help clear their mind while under the supervision of a clinician. If their mental health has deteriorated dramatically, the powers of the Mental Health Act can be applied to treat the person.
There are a raft of potential medications that are claimed to have very high success rates in treating addictions both opiate and methamphetamine (Ice).
Drugs like Nalaxone, Buorenophine, Naltrexone, Metazapine, Modafinil, all claim to achieve positive outcomes, and in South Australia, they have developed a Matrix Model Treatment initiative that claims outstanding results. Whether anybody in Victoria is seriously looking at these new approaches is not clear but they must be explored with vigour as the community and the addicts do not have time to wait. At the very least, the community is entitled to know whether these issues are being examined, by whom and what time lines are applied.
Most of the research on the causes of drug addiction are about as effective as spray painting a house on a very windy day – ends up all over the place. When it comes down to what specifically can be done and what levels of result will be achieved over what period the research is found wanting. The majority of research comes up with glib findings blaming socio economic problems un-defined.
This initiative of a secure facility will give the opportunity for accurate data to be compiled from addicts in a controlled environment while they are addicted and can be accumulated as part of the assessment process.
Research gathered by this method will provide the indicators to create specific strategies and modify existing strategies to have a far more targeted impact of the drug problem.
- Marketing to attack the problem
The role of marketing to the addict is of equal importance as advertising targeting prevention. Clever and creative marketing reinforcing the need for addicts to admit addiction should be the target,
“If you use an illicit drug every day you are addicted”-
“If you cannot go more than ? hours without a hit you are addicted. no if’s no buts”.
“If most of your friends are addicts, so are you”
“Do drugs and die”.
Admission of addiction is the first step to rehabilitation and the power of advertising can play a pivotal role.
A, “what have you become campaign,” could also be effective and equally act as a deterrent.
Many years ago, Police Life ran a series of articles publishing (with permission) Police photographs (Mug shots) of a drug addict taken over a few years highlighting the deterioration in the person. After the pictures were published, the addict sought and successfully completed rehabilitation and as far as we know went on to a drug free life.
This example highlights the importance of addicts confronting their reality and visual prompts are the key.
Everywhere an addict goes they should be confronted with a consistent message..
Making Drug addicts the pariah’s of society and socially unacceptable similar to the success of the anti-smoking strategy has every chance of working in particular if the focus is on role models addicts may relate to.
We once wrote to the father of an addict who was at his wits end trying to deal with the manipulation, lying and stealing that was being imposed on his family by an addicted son. Our advice was, “You are grieving because the son you nurtured and looked after, took to his first day at school and shared all the other milestones of his life is not the person masquerading as your son – he is an impostor your son would never treat you like that. We can only hope that circumstance change and your son returns but until that time we suggest you distance yourself and do not connect with the imposter.” As difficult as that distancing is for a parent it is often the only viable alternative.
A series of seminar/workshops should be organised by Government, involving clinicians, police and the judiciary to provide advice and options for parents living through the nightmare of an addict in their family.
The drug problems requires action not just rhetoric and this document provides a plan for that action.
It is worthy of note that this plan can dovetail into the Victoria Police Association policing priorities 2017-2022 , “Your Safety Our Priority”.. That the CAA and the TPAV are not poles apart in their views is not insignificant, arriving at similar recommendations independently adds more weight to the recommendations of both organisations.
This strategy has five objectives
- Reduce the risk of young people experimenting with drugs.
- Reinforce the criminality of the illicit drug trade as opposed to the attraction to better lifestyle.
- Force the drug trade underground to reduce exposure to our young people.
- Create environment where the addicts are forced to accept they are addicted.
- Provide opportunities for addicts to undertake rehabilitation.
The problem is getting worse, not better and the traditional approach is failing both the addicts and the community.
It will fall to the politicians to provide the leadership and create the structure for the community if we are going to make a meaningful impact on this issue.
As this paper was prepared it became very obvious that new Authority with wide ranging powers and authority needs to be established to put these and other worthy initiatives in place and ensure duplication is avoided and only the most effective programs draw the bulk of the funding.
A very pragmatic approach by an authority that can quickly respond to market variables and be flexible enough to change direction as required based generally on empirical data but sometimes less scientific rationale that is obvious.
Programs that are nice to do, must be subject to critical analysis, and if they do not stack up exclude from the mainstream strategy.
Non-Partisan pragmatism is what will achieve change.
by CAA | Sep 10, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
10th September 2018
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) today expressed its grave concern at a worrying development in Victorian policing. Namely VicPol attempting to extract thousands of dollars from the organisers of events and public addresses which are entirely legal, held indoors by invitation or ticket and where no offences are committed by the patrons.
The decision to charge the organisers (and not those who cause the resources to be deployed) a fee for holding an address by a visiting and leading British and European MP, Nigel Farage, is appalling. That his address attracted the usual grab bag of left wing activists and anarchists who caused significant public and traffic disruption in a “Public Place” was properly anticipated.
That the Victorian Taxpayer pays for Policing already for policing in “Public Places” is something that must elude Victoria Police. Who does VicPol think ultimately pays for this service.
To in effect charge citizens to attend a private event is dangerous in the extreme. It is in effect an assault on free speech, a fundamental right of all Australians but not it seems a right of people living in this State.
Not to mention the double impost of paying Police to police the “Public Place” by paying taxes and then paying in their ticket again for the same service.
The Victorian public demands an explanation from Police Command as to its policy and its justification for charging organisers of peaceful events such as the recent address by Canadian, Lauren Southern or last night’s address on Brexit and its economic and political implications for Europe by a British politician. Yet not charging the recent event at Collingwood which was the commercial launch of a record resulting in riotous behaviour.
Event |
Pre-planned event |
Admission charged |
Class of event |
Violence by Patrons |
Sufficient police to maintain order |
Lawlessness in a public place |
Services charged to victims. |
Milo Yiannopoulos |
yes |
yes |
Political and social comments |
No |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Lauran Southern |
yes |
yes |
As above |
No |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Gasometer Hotel |
yes |
yes |
Pop record release |
Yes |
no |
yes |
no |
Nigel Farage |
yes |
yes |
Political and social comments |
No |
yes |
yes |
yes |
(Apart from the obvious there are other messages in this spread sheet)
Friday night was not a good one for me. My club Geelong was hit by the Demons and Victorian taxpayers were hit for attempting to enjoy “free” speech something that is anything but free in this State!
by CAA | Sep 3, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
3rd September 2018
The latest police sick leave figures (HS 30/9/18) are unbelievable and equates to nearly 350 shifts lost per week.
With these sorts of numbers, you would have thought the penny might drop with the Government that VicPol has structural problems and should address those before victim blaming.
The problem predominantly is the organisation not the police members.
Selecting only the most suitable recruits will solve little if the structure of the organisation is flawed.
Teaching senior staff how to help staff is a bit off. Apart from the obvious question as to how they became senior staff without that basic of all management skills infers that VicPol wants to dodge the real cause, structural problems.
The Governments only answer is to recruit more police, when will real action be taken, when the lost shifts achieve 100,000?
by CAA | Sep 1, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
1st September 2018
Sergeant Wayne Taylor (Herald Sun 1/9/18) is the sort of cop that should be cloned not pilloried.
Talk to any police member serving or retired and they will relate stories of prolific thief catchers like Sergeant Taylor. Most Police are in awe of their uncanny ability, which by the way ,only comes from dedicated and focused hard work.
But according to VicPol this skill type is of no consequence or worthy of consideration because of a poorly designed , risk adverse pursuit policy that has dogged the Force for years including contributing to the horrific outcomes in Bourke Street.
The public should rightly be outraged at the treatment of this Sergeant that may well end his career and we are not referring so much to the outcome as the process he is enduring.
It would seem that the speed he was travelling at, necessary to do his job, is the main bone of contention.
Exceeding the speed limit or breaking any road rules by a Police member in the execution of their duty should follow the same principles as using a firearm. The speed may need to be justified, but only in light of all the circumstances including the actions of perpetrators. Police are driving very safe motor cars and many police like Sergeant Taylor possess a high level of driving experience in these circumstances.
The community supports the Sergeant- he is the type of police we want to protect us.
by CAA | Aug 27, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
27th August 2018
They both need structural attention over time.
Following social media or just keeping randomly abreast of the news the criticism of Victoria Police is consistent. The community firmly and very vocally is of the view that the Victoria Police is not providing the sort of service they believe they require or are entitled to. An underlying trend of diminished trust is evident.
Lack of transparency and a consistent message that things are not as bad as they appear to be does not wash with the community who know exactly what is happening because in most instances they were there.
Rebuilding public trust in the organisation must be a key target for the Government and the Police Commissioner. However this declining trust has been evident for many years and the correction will not happen overnight but happen it must as the alternative is dire.
Governments can throw all the money in the world at policing but if the fundamentals are not adhered too it is wasted effort and resources.
The experience many of us have had with computers is not dissimilar with what has happened to Victoria Police. Victoria made the mistake of letting somebody without the necessary skills and knowledge play with the mouse and keyboard of VicPol. Almost immediately the system showed signs of stress. After running all the cleaners and other techniques to repair the system it deteriorated further.
The next logical step was to reboot the system to correct the problems. VicPol has been rebooted three times with the appointment of Chief Commissioners Overland, Lay and Ashton. Some might say that they had been handed a poison chalice. Be that as it may in varying degrees the problems persist.
As with a computer there is only one option left, given that the consensus is that the hardware (the operational members) is in good shape probably better than it has ever been.
Victoria Police need to wipe the system, replace the hard drive and recover the system from a time when the organisation was sound.
Operating from a clean base will regain community confidence very rapidly.
The test will be a commitment from an enlightened Government and an outstanding Chief Commissioner capable and willing to make brave decisions devoid of loyalty biases.
by CAA | Aug 16, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
16th August 2018
Herald Sun 16th August 18.
The Sentencing Advisory Board claims that because only 3% of sentences in our Courts are appealed the Judiciary have it right – right for whom?
Crooks are hardly likely to appeal weak low-grade sentences and the Crown rarely lodges appeals only doing so in the most egregious injustices.
That accused persons (crooks) are not appealing is hardly a ringing endorsement of our sentencing regime.
Perhaps the judiciary should look at more meaningful statistics like the recidivism of those convicted and sentenced. The only problem the Judged will all be from the same pool that has not served us well.
Time for all the sentencing guidelines and advisories to be scrapped and let Judges decide on penalty based on the evidence before them. Each judge can then be accountable for the recidivism rates of their courts sentencing.
When 30% of all cases are appealed then we know things are closer to about Right!
by CAA | Aug 15, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
15th august 2018
In an era many years ago when police where not required to provide the defence with all the evidence that the police has accumulated against an accused a formal caution was introduced. Initially the caution was:
I must inform you that you do not have to say or do anything but anything you say or do may be given in evidence.
Do you understand that?
As time passed and with pressure from Law reform Activist the following rider was added:
I must also inform you of the following rights.
You may communicate with or attempt to communicate with a friend or a relative to inform that person of your whereabouts.
You may communicate with or attempt to communicate with a legal practitioner.
Every Police investigator can relate experiences they have had where they have investigated a crime thoroughly (based on the information they know about) interviewed the suspect and when satisfied that they propose to charge the suspect delivered the formal caution before the formal interview. Only to find when they go to court the accused produces evidence that has not been investigated but is left to the courts to rule on, based only on what is before the Court. This strategy by accused persons seems only to occur after the accused retains legal representation and is an anomaly in the Legal system that is a double-edged sword.
It has often been the view of Police that the evidence presented by the defence has been manufactured but at this stage of the Legal process investigators cannot verify or examine the veracity of the claims made, let alone locate evidence that may refute the defence claims.
While dropping new evidence into the hearing at the last minute may be helpful to the accused it is also can be detrimental.
Investigators, who become aware of evidence that goes to the innocence of the accused, would likely not proceed with the prosecution saving the Courts, Police and the accused considerable money and time. The only people to miss out in this scenario are the lawyers. It is for this reason there will be strong opposition to our proposal, not based on fairness before the law but on a much more pecuniary self-interest that permeates the legal profession.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) believes very strongly that the formal Police caution should be changed to mirror the British model. It is simpler and fairer to the accused and the State (Prosecution).
You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in Court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Britain has long acknowledge that the caution must be in plain English using common phases and words therefore being more likely to be understood by accused persons, the vast majority not being Rhodes scholars.
by CAA | Aug 14, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
14th August 2018
The exposure of VCE Legal Studies Students to prisoners must stop.
The use of prisoners to talk to children as some form of education is absolutely flawed for more than one reason – Impressionable young people can be incorrectly influenced by charismatic prisoners gaining their respect and the prisoners gain a sense of authority when they are the failed souls of our society. Prisoners are the absolutely antipathy of the types of character our children should be exposed to.
The spinning of stories by criminals no matter how controlled will always have the potential of negative impacts on some students – the risk well outweighs the perceived advantages. Students may want to know what it is like in jail but do they need to know?
Trying to remove the mystique of jail reduces its deterrent effect.
Couldn’t a Prison Officer give an account of jail life to students at their school if they really must know?
by CAA | Aug 11, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
11th August 2018
The problems with the thugs of African appearance causing so much angst and damage in our society can be sheeted back to one cause.
A flawed policing strategy first enunciated in the 2000,s and most recently again at the Moomba Riots in 2016.
The Police focus was on “Restoring Law and Order” and that part of their strategy is fine but they omitted the other essential component, arresting perpetrators. If they are arrested their involvement ceases immediately.
The perpetrators do not see the unlikely prospect of Police knocking on their door as a result of CCTV identification sometime in the future as much of a deterrent. By the present process arrests usually number in the low single figures and aimed at the main perpetrators but the rest of the mob just continue on ignoring social norms and the Law.
The strategy of simply dispersing and restoring order has spawned a belief with the perpetrator’s that they are untouchable and that will spawn more disorder. Once the untouchable phenomena becomes the norm no other police or community strategy will turn this issue around.
How you win back the streets is to ensure there are immediate consequences for gross social violent misbehaviour. We do not need more Laws or more police. Arresting perpetrators at the time of the incident will quickly disperse the not so committed and they are unlikely to come out again if there is a good chance they will be arrested. Without a crowd behind them even the most strident perpetrators interest will wane.
A Police line backed up by arrest teams is the only solution.
by CAA | Aug 5, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
5th August 2018
Retired senior police officers, victims of crime, social workers and business people say freedom of speech is a right of all Australians and its expression should not be discouraged by financial considerations as might be the situation emerging in Victoria.
The Community Advocacy Alliance’s position follows a recent decision by Victoria Police to charge an overseas social commentator, Lauren Southern, $68,000 for its attendance outside a venue she was speaking at in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs.
Chairman of the CAA, retired chief police commissioner Kel Glare said there was a significant difference between events such as an AFL match where police are deployed to patrol inside the stadium and the Lauren Southern situation where those exercising their right of lawful free speech needed to be protected from protestors outside trying to prevent a private event proceeding through violent direct action which included wilful damage and disrupting hundreds of motorists in the Somerton area through their closure of a major arterial, the Hume Highway
“We accept Police services being charged if an event is intended as a profitable enterprise and policing is required inside a venue. We do however have a problem of police charging for services in a public place and outside a venue irrespective if it’s a commercial activity or not.
“The Alliance has written to Police Minister, Lisa Neville, expressing its concern and the need for a clear separation of powers between Government and Police.
“Victorians already pay for a Police Service whose duties include protecting people attending a lawful event. In two recent cases the organisers of two lawful events in Melbourne have been served invoices for thousands of dollars in contrast to the perpetrators of violent action who escaped any costs but against whom considerable police resources had to be deployed. Under the present Government interpretations Victoria could arrive at the ludicrous situation where Police might charge political parties in this state for holding a political function if it’s the subject of a protest”
The Community Advocacy Alliance is a non profitable organisation which is active in raising issues and initiatives directed at improving law and order in Victoria and making the State a safer place for all Victorians.
by CAA | Jun 26, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
6th June 2018
The laws removing a person’s right to drive are designed to improve compliance and reduce death and injury on our roads. This is a laudable and noble endeavour, however when that noble cause also creates undesirable consequences it should be reviewed.
There is no doubt that the strong penalties imposed on drivers who break road laws have a deterrent effect, particularly on young drivers, but the current sentencing (some mandatory) needs to be discussed and reviewed. Sentencing or penalties should be about correcting behaviour not about destroying lives and making things worse for our community.
The total removal of the right to drive can be a terrible penalty with many unintended consequences that do not always achieve the desired effect. If a penalty also means losing employment this is very severe for a first offence and is counterproductive to the greater community good.
There will be argument that the transgressors deserve what they get and they made bad choices and put others at risk – perhaps there is merit in that view, but when considering the overall impact of these penalties that they can be disproportionately unfair, particularly for first or young offenders. There needs to be a pragmatic review of the system. Destroying lives is not good Justice.
We are not talking about serious, serial or rogue recidivists. They do not deserve compassion.
There is a bias in imposing penalties against those who are employed in the non-professional sphere. Licence Suspensions and Disqualification coupled with fines (often and routinely higher than for property crime and crimes of violence) may utterly destroy those who need a driver’s licence for their job.
Taking away a person’s livelihood for relatively minor offences is cruel and unjust.
The first thing that happens to most trade-orientated defendants is their job is lost and hope of employment in their trade unlikely. Apprenticeships can be lost forever. Some professional people and workers in retail, health and hospitality can access their work by public transport but frequently a trade worker must be able to drive, not just to access their work places but to undertake their work. Mechanics who cannot test drive a car, or plumbers and carpenters who cannot carry their tools to work, are just some of a myriad of jobs that require a licence. We may, of course, add any employment where a driving licence is an employment condition.
Workers who lose their licences and their jobs lose the capacity to pay fines. Defaulting on fines can lead to imprisonment. The loss of income also means that any loans un-serviced can result in foreclosure and the probable repossession of the goods, usually their car. This inevitably leads to the downgrading or loss of any form of credit rating. The multiplication effect of penalties does not take into account that the offender still has to live and the penalty is further magnified if the driver is on the lower end of the socio economic scale. Insolvency and bankruptcy are sometimes inevitable.
In summary, penalties for low range traffic offences and for a first offenders are destroying lives.
It is incongruous that penalties regularly reported in the media for crimes of violence, drug and property offences (and even some high-range driving offences) seem to be proportionally and sometimes lighter than those imposed on drivers who are first time offenders for low-range offences.
Poorly applied sentencing penalties will not lead to a reduction in offending but an escalation as perpetrators convert to victims of the system. They can feel trapped and can see only the option of repeat offending, or resorting to habitual welfare, joining the unemployable.
A feeling of hopelessness and being trapped in the” Unintentional Cycle” pushes many to criminal activity and or drug abuse as an escape or an ill-advised path to a solution. The untold mental damage and perhaps self-destruction is bad enough for the individual but the impact on the community is totally underrated.
Low level traffic offenders can go from net contributors to a net liability for the community through welfare.
Drivers need to be accountable for their non-compliance but we need to review the removal of drivers’ licences so as to allow the courts to use diversions, conditional Suspensions and Disqualifications.
It seems odd that diversion is the preferred option for the courts in criminal matters but they do not apply the same standards to traffic matters. The rationale should be identical.
To remove a licence conditionally by limiting hours of driving so that the defendant can continue to work, would seem to be a fairer outcome and the impact on their social life not unreasonable – though even that may be excessive for a first offender.
Why should we not offer Good Behaviour Bonds in traffic cases as is done in some other State jurisdictions?
Under the current system we still have many recidivist traffic offenders. The current regime does not promote compliance to any greater degree than the alternative approach we recommend.
How many of the current crop of recidivist drivers lost their licence for their first offence and ended up in the “Unintentional Cycle”?
We call on the Government to bring about necessary changes to legislation to provide greater flexibility in sentencing for traffic offences in Victoria, making them at least comparative to the criminal sentencing practices.
The” Unintentional Cycle”
– is this what we want to do to our community?
by CAA | Jun 18, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
18th June 2018
This is a three part account of Why Youth Crime Spiralled out of control in Victoria and what we can do about it: Pat 1 Victoria Police Command’s Bad Public Policy Decisions; Part II – A failure by IBAC and Victoria Police to Investigate Complaints and Part III – What We can do about it.
Part. 1 Victoria Police Bad Public Policy Decisions
I am John Thexton, I am now a private investigator. I resigned from Victoria Police in disgust in July 2016 after 42 years. I held the rank of Inspector. I have been a detective at various ranks including local Crime Investigation Units and the Drug Squad. I have also performed duties as a police prosecutor, Local Area Commander and in Community Development and Policy and Planning and Risk Assessment roles. I hold a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management (Policing), a Diploma in Alcohol & other Drugs and Certificate IVs Youth Work & Training and Assessment. In 2015 I was also employed by Charles Sturt University teaching NSW Police Recruits at the NSW Police Academy.
It is as clear as the nose on your face that many of the issues we face today, including: youth crime, youth gangs, the “ice epidemic”, home grown terrorism, hoon behaviour, family violence and mental health issues, all have a common denominator, that being disengagement of youth from their families, education and their broader communities. For Victoria Police command to not actively support structured face to face engagement with youth just defies common sense.
Nobody in Victoria Police Command has intentionally set out to make this State less safe, but to the detriment of our communities and operational police officers, that has been the result of their policy decisions to retreat from engaging effectively with the communities they took a oath to protect. They have failed in their commitment to their oath of office that: “I will prevent to the best of my power all offences”. A commitment which stems from the earliest principles of policing. Victoria Police command have retreated from those principles and have indeed in the words of former Chief Commissioner Kel Glare, Lost the Plot.
Petrol Drive-Offs
Other poor policy decisions by Victoria Police command that lead to this fiasco was the change in policy relating to the theft of petrol, petrol drive – offs. As part of my then role as Regional Policy Advisor this policy was circulated for comment prior to its release. One senior commissioned police officer wrote, “Who thought this was a good idea” and “This is nothing but crime prevention by statistical redesign.” These few comments sum up the thoughts of many operational police. I researched the issue and found that Victoria Police was following a similar policy in Western Australia. I found that 12 months after the introduction police officers were failing to investigate where there was clear supporting evidence that a criminal offence had occurred. Western Australia Police had to issue a direction to police officers to actually conduct an investigation.
This was a policy that was supposedly sending a message to large corporate companies to change the way petrol was sold, but in effect was actually a message to thieves that they had a green light and a message to every person working behind the counter that Victoria Police was abandoning them and yet another reinforcement of the message that when it comes to policing, “There is nothing we can do about it.” see Police Urged to Investigate Petrol Thieves after Civil Ruling Led to Surge in Driveoffs
Strangely enough people who steal petrol tend to be involved in a whole range of other anti-social behaviour. If a report is not taken there is no incentive for service stations to update CCTV or for that matter provide any CCTV footage to police. Result, Police investigators job made harder to identify offenders who may have been involved in other crimes including home invasions. I recommended against the implementation of this policy and recommended adoption of the NSW and Queensland Police approach.
The adoption of the policy and subsequent outcry resulted in a Victorian parliamentary Inquiry into fuel drive-offs The Committee’s first recommendation was that Victoria Police develops an online fuel drive off incident report form (precisely what NSW and Oueensland had in place) and the second recommendation was that Victoria Police actually conduct an investigation when a petrol theft is reported – Common sense really.
Victoria Police Youth Foundation
Also, at this time Victoria Police command withdrew support for the Victoria Police Youth Foundation. The Foundation was specifically established to fund projects which involved Police engaging with Youth. The foundation, through its Executive Officer, Andy Walsh established links with business corporations such as the Pratt Family group of companies and Linfox and the Union movement. These links provided an increasing generous funding source to break down the barriers between Police and Youth and contributing to providing a safer and more inclusive community. Just as the fund gathered momentum and funds began rolling in Victoria Police Command pulled the pin.
Youth Parole
Recidivism rates by youth released from Youth Justice Centres is even higher than that of adults released from prison. Yet when an adult is released on parole, the release date, the conditions of parole and the parolees address are routinely forwarded to Victoria Police from Corrections Victoria. Youth Justice Centres come under the control of the Department of Human Services and do not routinely release this information. I submitted numerous reports to Victoria Police command detailing the risks of police not receiving this information and provided specific instances of youth coming into contact with police and breaching their parole conditions, without police being aware of those conditions and those youth going on to re-offend. The Department of Human Services responded that the Department would not routinely release this information as it was an issue of privacy. I obtained a legal opinion that debunked this claim and directed Victoria Police to the existence of an administrative mechanism to possibly resolve this disagreement on policy. Despite this Victoria Police failed to pursue this issue.
Road Safety
Over five thousand Victorians a month ring 000 each month to report drivers driving dangerously on our roads (Computer Aided Despatch date collected by the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority that you as a member of the public who pays for this to be collected is not allowed to see. Despite the public desire to help, Victoria Police does not have in place a process to consistently and effectively deal with these calls. Over a number of years, I submitted reports detailing the serious consequences, including serious injury and death, which have occurred as a result of this failure – see, Killer drug driver Joseph Brigante jailed over the death of Barbara Digby.
I demonstrated what can be achieved by properly investigating these calls and also worked with colleagues to improve the data available to address this issue. Victoria Police still does not have in place a process to consistently and effectively deal with these calls. Failure to do so will continue to cost lives.
Local Management
Chief Commissioner Neil Comrie introduced, Local Priority Policing in 1999. Victoria Police aligned their boundaries and service delivery with municipalities. In metropolitan Melbourne an Inspector was responsible for day to day policing within each municipality. Two municipalities formed a Division with a Superintendent in Charge. In regional Victoria an Inspector was in charge of an area covering two municipalities with a Division often covering four municipalities. Despite the Inspectors being poorly supported with appropriate resources local police and the public in a municipality knew who was responsible for day to day policing in that area.
The state was also divided into five Regions, one covering the City of Melbourne and the remaining four following major transport routes and communities of interest. Each Region had responsibility for portions of metropolitan Melbourne and Regional and Rural areas. This meant that the old cave up of resources between the “city and the bush”, with the country being the poor cousins was addressed.
During 2013 the management of local service delivery moved to a Divisional platform where various Inspectors were responsible for aspects of service delivery. This meant that no longer was there one Inspector in charge of all aspects of day to day policing in a municipal area. The responsibility for day to day policing had effectively been moved further from the community they served.
The Regions were also realigned to a hotchpotch of a mix of purely metropolitan Melbourne Regions and Regions covering metropolitan and regional and rural areas. Many regional boundaries were realigned to the metropolitan/rural interface, the very areas that are at the highest risk for bushfires where the greatest co-ordination of resources is required in times of emergencies. Other Government Departments have not followed this flawed approach.
The last major increase in police numbers saw a significant number go to a centralised command in the Force Response Unit and the Public Order Response Team. This was done without any communication to police officers on the front line or the broader community that this was an approach that was evidence based and shown to be successful in any other jurisdiction similar to Victoria. Having a centralised model meant that if the support of these officers was required in the outer suburban hotspots, such as Dandenong, Casey, Cranbourne or Frankston, two hours of any shift were lost by simply travelling to the area, let alone if they were required in regional centres, such as Shepparton, Mildura, Bendigo, Ballarat or the Latrobe Valley. A number of different models could have been trialled, including having similarly trained members located at decentralised locations closer to the areas where they were required or simply deploying additional members to these areas. The various models could have been evaluated and the best applied.
The whole shift to a darker more ominous colour smacked of a force less likely to engage with the community and of an organisation bereft of ideas and taking a copycat approach rather than effectively supporting innovation to improve community safety. The only state in Australia that has not succumbed to this latest edict of the fashion police is New South Wales, who have resisted change for the sake of change, but are looking at change only in order to make operational police officers safer.
This retreat from engaging with communities has not occurred in other States where the crime rates have been falling, e.g when Victoria Police withdrew police from schools NSW was establishing such initiatives. NSW and Qld each have almost 60 Police & Citizen Youth Club (PCYC) each supported by full time police officers. Victoria has one PCYC not supported by a full time police officer.
Any questioning of the legality or wisdom of these policy decisions from those within Victoria Police has been ruthlessly suppressed. As occurred with former Inspector Gordon Charteris before me. Failure to allow these concerns to be heard has meant these policies have been implemented without due scrutiny or discussion by the public.
Part II – A failure by IBAC and Victoria Police to Investigate Complaints
Operation Newstart was a partnership between Victoria Police and the Department of Education which reengaged at risk youth in Education which was first established in 1997. At its peak nine programs operated in Metropolitan and Regional Victoria. The program was independently evaluated and commended by a Victorian Parliamentary Drug & Crime Prevention Committee, in an Inquiry into Locally Based Approaches to Community Safety and Crime Prevention in 2012. The program was also recognised as a national winner of the 2010 Crime and Violence Prevention Awards ( The program has the potential to expand to every municipality across the state.
I took these steps after exhausting all other avenues, because as a police officer with forty years experience I was extremely concerned that the policies of Victoria Police Command would make Victoria far less safe. Unfortunately my fears since 2014 have come to fruition.
As a result of my actions I was subsequently charged with a disciplinary offence of disobeying a lawful instruction to not speak out.
I maintained that the instruction I was given in fact was not a “lawful instruction”. My complaint was that Victoria Police Command had acted “unlawfully” in coming to the decision to issue the instruction.
The “lawful instruction” was in fact “unlawful” as Victoria Police had failed to obey the law when making the decision to issue the instruction:
- Section 38 of the Human Rights and Responsibilities Act required Victoria Police to give “proper consideration” to human rights, prior to making the decision to issue the instruction, otherwise the decision is unlawful at law.
- The steps needed to be taken to give “proper consideration” have been clearly defined by the Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal.
- There is no evidence to date that Victoria Police followed these steps.
I made a complaint to IBAC and Victoria Police that Victoria Police Command had acted unlawfully.
IBAC chose not to investigate my complaint:
- IBAC can chose not to investigate under the IBAC Act.
- One of the functions of IBAC under Section 15 of the IBAC Act is to assess police personnel conduct and “to ensure that members of the police force have regard to human rights set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006”.
- Failure to investigate complaints of police personnel conduct in preference to only investigating serious corrupt conduct is the equivalent of failing to put barriers at the top of a cliff to prevent injuries in preference to deploying ambulances at the bottom of the cliff. This was a bad public policy decision.
However, Victoria Police does not have an option not to investigate. Under Section 169 of the Victoria Police Act, The Chief Commissioner must investigate a complaint about the misconduct of a police officer. Victoria Police refused to investigate my complaint. My complaint has gone uninvestigated by both Victoria Police and the “watchdog” IBAC.
Why should any of my personal experience where I resigned from Victoria Police with a disciplinary charge hanging over head after not being charged with any disciplinary offence in over 40 years of policing and being awarded the National Medal and 35 year Good Conduct Medal be of any interest to members of the public. Because my experience is indicative of a hierarchical organisation that does not change unless their behaviour is challenged in the courts. It is an organisation that manages by fear. Because this dysfunctional behaviour has consequences for operational police, including stress and poor mental health outcomes, at times tragically ending in suicide. Policing is difficult enough without also battling dysfunctional management. Not being accountable also leads to Victoria Police Command making poor public policy decisions with impunity.
Further evidence of failure to investigate complaints made to both Victoria Police and IBAC can be found in a farcical use of social media, more akin to the behaviour of school kid than a member of Victoria Police Command. Refusing to investigate is not an investigation: an investigation being defined as a search for the truth; in the interests of justice; in accordance with the law.
Following a personal attack by Assistant Commissioner Fryer on the Chairman of Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA), former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Kel Glare, in May of 2017, a troll using the nom de plume Vernon Demerest (a character from the 1970’s movie Airport) started attacking the CAA on facebook and Kel Glare in particular.
The troll accidently outed himself as Assistant Commissioner Brett Guerin, the head of the Victoria Police Professional Standards Command when he briefly published derogatory comments under his own name before taking down the post and publishing under the name of Vernon Demerest.
CAA lodged a complaint with the Chief Commissioner who, by law under the IBAC Act must refer any complaints against the rank of Assistant Commissioner and above to IBAC.
IBAC determined that the complaint would not be investigated by them and referred it back to the Chief Commissioner who has decided not to take the matter further.
Would a member of the Police force of a lower rank escape investigation for creating and using a fake identity on Facebook for no other purpose than to denigrate a member of the Public? Executive police officers should be held to the same or a higher account than other ranks in the Force. And no more so that the head of the Police Professional Standards Command.
In another instance, Victoria Police Command and IBAC also refused to investigate a complaint that members of the Professional Standards Command who it was alleged acted inappropriately in charging a Victoria Police employee with criminal offences. At the eleventh hour prior to the case going to Court the Director of Public Prosecutions withdrew all charges.
The culture of acting with impunity and being more concerned with perceptions rather than facts and evidence has also been highlighted by the Police Registration and Service Board decision to reverse a decision to dismiss a Senior Constable from Victoria Police, Victoria Police officer sacked for punching 13-year-old boy in face is reinstated, and The cases: Victorian police reinstated after review of dismissals, both articles written by Nino Bucci a Crime Reporter for The Age.
A further article by Nino Bucci: Police complaints process overhauled after a decade of criticism: states Assistant Commissioner Brett Guerin is overhauling the police complaints process. The article fails to mention that his overhaul apparently includes, not investigating complaints at all. Is this the case of the fox being in charge of the hen house?
The consequences of the failure by Victoria Police and IBAC to conduct investigations into my complaint and similar complaints has meant Victoria Police Command can act with impunity, where making bad public policy decisions can be made unimpeded, such decisions have contributed to making Victoria less safe.
Part III – What We can do about it:
Take a bi-partisan approach and have both the Opposition parties and Labor set policies that ensure Victoria Police restores prevention as part of Victoria Police core duties. Support Victoria Police to work collaboratively with other agencies and the public in developing programs that see police having face to face engagement outside a reactive operational setting, particularly with youth.
Examine has worked in Victoria, e.g. re-examine Police in Schools, Blue Light Disco, Neighbourhood Watch and Operation Newstart and other initiatives such as Backyard Rugby and what works in other states in Australia that have not experienced the dramatic increase in youth crime, look at how police in schools operate and PCYCs.
Change the culture of policing by making promotion within Victoria Police dependent on demonstrating a commitment to effective prevention of offences and positively supporting police under an applicant’s command. By Victoria Police taking a leadership role in preventing offences will encourage many more community members to actively participate in preventing youth from disengaging from their families and communities.
Recognise successful prevention initiatives and initiatives that include members of the public in preventing and reducing crime and public disorder and safety on our roads.
Over the last three years the Community Advocacy Alliance, chaired by former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Kel Glare and made up of former Victoria Police members, two of whom went on to be Commissioners of Queensland and Tasmania Police, and concerned citizens, have been meeting and providing advice to both opposition parties and the government in Victoria. Both have been receptive; however, Victoria Police Command has not demonstrated the same openness to listen and have in fact displayed hostility, as demonstrated above. We need to openly discuss and debate Prevention and Citizen Empowered Policing and the Community Advocacy Alliance 100-point plan, that not only looks at policing, but also the criminal justice system as a whole, to make Victoria a safer place.
We need to ensure IBAC takes into account their duties under the whole act, including, personnel conduct and misconduct not just serious corruption – if IBAC does not have enough funding to investigate what leads to serious corruption then IBAC needs to make a strong case to ensure the funding is required and provided. Have Victoria Police comply with the law under the Human Rights and Responsibility Act (after all the Victorian Court of Appeal found that the Victoria Government was required to do so, so why not Victoria Police), this will lead to sounder and more accountable decisions as envisaged when the Act was originally debated. Have Victoria Police comply with the Victoria Police Act to investigate complaints made to them.
by CAA | Jun 15, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
15th June 2018
I am a licensed Investigator in Victoria and New South Wales. I currently conduct circumstance WorkCover and TAC investigations and provide expert opinion reports.
I am a former member of Victoria Police with 42 years’ service holding the rank of Inspector. I hold a Master Degree in Leadership and Management (Policing) and a Diploma in Alcohol and Other Drugs as well other tertiary Certificates.
On 6 July 2016, I resigned in disgust. I had been very concerned with the strategic direction and poor leadership of Victoria Police Command over a number of years. I have written a number of articles expressing those concerns, which are available on LinkedIn. I am also Vice President of the Community Advocacy Alliance chaired by former Chief Commissioner Kel Glare and have articles on their Facebook page.
Following the current Victoria Police PBT debacle (a similar situation was detected by then Assistant Commissioner Graham Sinclair in 1996) I believe it is opportune to raise again one of my concerns regarding Victoria Police Command’s approach to road safety.
Over a number of years I researched the Victoria Police response to calls to 000 reporting erratic and reckless driving including hoon driving or rather the lack of any meaningful response.
Each month approximately five thousand calls are made to 000 by concerned members of the public regarding erratic and dangerous driving by other road users. These are emergency calls.
The alleged erratic drivers are identifiable by the registration of the vehicles given to the 000 operator by the callers. Anecdotal evidence would suggest his problem is on the increase in line with the marked increase in the community of the use of Ice and other drugs. In this digital age, many of these calls are supported by dash-cam or mobile phone footage.
Despite this for well over 90% of calls, the only response is to broadcast a keep a look for (KALOF) the offending vehicle. There is no further investigation and the details are not even gathered for intelligence purposes.
This information is contained in ESTA (Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority) CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) data, which is not released to the public. If it was I am certain that members of the public would be outraged. This approach by the police executive is counter intuitive to their pleas for public assistance.
My research found that in some instances these offenders went on to be involved in serious and at times fatal collisions – see police-stopped-driver-three-times-before-fatal-crash-20110413-1de6m.html
My research also found that people who are reported as driving erratically are not just bad drivers, but they have a history of anti-social and criminal behaviour.
In addition to my research, I had follow up investigations conducted. I found that in addition to drivers who flagrantly breached the law and put other road users at risk there were also a number who had medical conditions that impaired their driving ability. Those who deliberately breached the law were convicted at court and their licensed suspended.
Members of the public are concerned and want to contribute to road safety yet there concerns are virtually ignored. This just defies common sense.
I believe an area where TAC can contribute to improving road safety outcomes is to urge and support Victoria Police develop an effective and efficient business process to address this situation. I have no doubt this would save lives and serious injuries.
An offer to discuss this matter with the TAC has not received a response to date.
by CAA | May 31, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
31st May 2018
The startling inaccuracy in the number of actual Breath Tests conducted in Victoria has every Victorian rightly concerned about just what is going on with Victoria Police that this sort of activity can fester and grow.
It is very encouraging that the new head of Police Ethical standards is looking at the management processes that failed to identify or manage this problem rather than the Police on the street who felt pressured to undertake rorting the system for which their only benefit may be avoiding a bollicking for not meeting quotas.
Perhaps Assistant Commissioner Barrett should look at the relationship between VicPol and TAC. TAC presumably is the instrument of government that negotiates on their behalf the quotas of Breath Tests or targets but Vicpol seems to accept the conditions of the negotiating without due consideration of the organisations capacity to deliver and the negative impact these quotas will have on the organisations capacity to deliver an overall effective Police service.
Largess offered and accepted by Vicpol executives from TAC may be the root cause. Accepting any gratuity from an opposing entity in negotiation a contract puts you at a disadvantage.
Overreach by VicPol to reward TAC for their generosity they may have provided, is corrupt behaviour.
by CAA | May 28, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
25th May 2018
The establishment of the Task Force “Wayward” headed up by a Detective Senior Sergeant Brett Kahan at Footscray Police Station sees a seismic shift in Policing philosophies for Victoria.
These initiatives are an application of the Victoria Police’s own Mission Statement based on the ‘Peelian principles’ of modern policing and now Victoria Police has started to move in this direction thanks to one Detective Senior Sergeant.
Victoria was a leader in this Policing concept for more than two decades until 2001when this approach started to be dismantled. The most obvious sign that change was occurring was the dismantling of all Police Youth programs leading to a police disconnect with youth the ramifications are still being felt today.
Reactive policing soon became the norm and was accompanied by a dramatic increase in crime. Effectively police waited for the crime to be committed then took action. The apparent growth in incidents where police take a passive non-interventional approach allowing the continuation of crime is a relatively new phenomena and is a worrying development. The concept of preventing or the continuation of crime has generally evaporated.
Proactive policing is often derided as being soft on crime or’ kiddie policing’. However, proponents of this policing strategy and history will tell you it is not being soft on crime. Criminals are pursued with the same vigour aided by improved intelligence from the community. And yes, it does focus on younger people but what it does do is try very hard to stop many Victorians from becoming victims as Brett Kahan is demonstrating.
Victoria Police or Police anywhere, will tell you that the proactive options are far harder work than simply being reactive because in the later model police are investigating crimes already exposed. Alternatively, proactive police must try to second-guess the community to prevent the crime in the first place, before it is committed.
There will always be a function of reactive policing in Victoria as it should be but the pendulum needs to move substantially towards a better proactive reactive equipoise.
The CAA has been advocating for over three years to have Victoria Police adopt modern policing philosophies and honour their own Mission Statement.
We have had no success and have been pilloried and ridiculed for presenting this view.
We can only imagine how difficult it is for police members in Victoria to engage in and support this philosophy.
Congratulations Brett Kahan and we wish you and your colleagues well and on behalf of all Victorians, thank you.
by CAA | May 20, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
20th May 2018
The recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal to ignore imposing the mandatory term of imprisonment on two offenders who violently assaulted a Paramedic highlights the need for a higher level of accountability for judicial officers.
The counter argument that there can always be an appeal against sentences imposed, or not imposed, is disingenuous as many considerations kerb that course of action, including the cost of a further appeal.
The real issue is the lack of real accountability of the judiciary. Judicial officials must reflect the sentencing regime of a democratically elected Parliament that sets parameters for available sentences.
Murder, where a convicted offender may receive a life sentence, rarely with more than a lenient minimum term to be served, is the only occasion where a maximum sentence is sometimes imposed. We challenge anyone to identify any other case in the past twenty five years in Victoria that attracted the maximum sentence, despite the often long criminal history of the offender. Courts consistently and persistently thumb their collective noses at Parliament’s wishes. How many convictions must an offender have before a maximum sentence is imposed?
How can this wonton disregard of our elected Parliaments be tolerated? This continued behaviour is a systemic abuse of the separation of powers and is contempt of our Parliament.
The path to a solution must be to make judicial officials at all levels of courts accountable for their actions. This can be achieved through a Judicial Committee established on bipartisan lines that would inter alia require that those presiding in courts do more to meet community expectations. Those officiating who do not should be called to account.
A necessary corollary is that the appointment of judicial officials must be by contract so that those who act as a law unto themselves can have their services terminated at the end of a contract period.
In the United States many judges are elected officials. If community standards are not met they are most unlikely to be re-elected. We do not advocate this for Victoria but greater accountability must be achieved if the general populace is to continue to respect our courts.
by CAA | May 20, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
20th May 2018
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) today called on the Victorian Government to move immediately to amend legislation covering assaults and attacks on Police, Ambulance and Emergency Service personnel.
The Alliance which comprises retired senior police, victims of crime and citizens drawn from the business community is active in pursuing best practice in Policing and changes to Victoria’s bail laws, sentencing practices, parole applications as well as the need for more proactive policing in dealing with youth crime.
Chairman of CAA and retired Chief Police Commissioner, Kel Glare, said enough is enough with the recent decision by Judge Barbara Cotterell, which saw two offenders convicted of attacking and severely injuring an ambulance officer walk away with community correction orders, being the last straw for Victorians.
“Victorians have been clearly if not deliberately misled into thinking mandatory meant mandatory when the Government introduced legislation covering these offences. Presented by the Andrews Government as providing mandatory gaol time for anyone who assaulted and/or injured an ambulance or police officer it had embedded in it three get out of gaol cards by way of three special provisions the judiciary could deploy enabling an offender to avoid a prison sentence if he or she was alcohol affected, drug affected or had a mental health issue, he said
“ In March the Premier wrote to the CAA following a raft of issues concerning sentencing standards and community safety our organisation it had raised with Government in which he stated “ Violent crime simply has no place in our community and that is why I am committed to meaningful change to keep Victorians safe”
“ Like all Victorians we look forward to some “meaningful change” beginning with stripping out loopholes which provide for offenders convicted of assaulting emergency workers escaping the full force of the law which in this case means mandatory custodial sentences by taking away the discretionary power of the judiciary in this matter,
“A major step but a necessary one,” said Mr Glare
by CAA | May 16, 2018 | Library, Uncategorized
16th May 2018
We are continually told that Victoria Police average 14,000 Police public contacts per day so the number of complaints against police forms only a tiny fraction of this number.
This argument does not pass the pub test and is treated with scepticism by the public of Victoria. A more meaningful statistic would be the number of complaints against police arising as the consequence of seeking compliance with public order and the law.
Cameras capturing only part of incidents and other excuses are trotted out as to why the complaints seem to be on the rise but the rise may only be a symptom of a larger problem that if left untreated will guarantee further increases.
Frustration – with few exceptions people are motivated to join policing as a career to achieve a level of fulfilment in serving the community. However, when they go through the arduous qualifying process to join the like minded ranks of the once proud Force on the front line of Policing, many of their aspirational dreams are shattered and they are left as frustrated as their peers.
Imagine if you were a fully trained and equipped police member prepared to do what needs to be done to maintain the peace, prevent crime, and, importantly, intervene to stop the continuation of a crime and you are routinely instructed to take no action. Victoria Police has a non-interventionist policy. Add that to a Risk Adverse psyche and you have the ingredients for no action.
This is seen in many examples, amongst the most obvious the interception of stolen cars where generally the perpetrators are allowed to run and police must stand by no doubt uttering a prayer that non-intervention does not lead to another Bourke street tragedy.
The issue around the mobs wrecking short stay rental properties is probably the worse example of this policy. Contrary to what was published in the media there is ample legislative powers for police to have acted and we are told there were ample police at the scenes of these events to act but they were directed not to intervene. Safety is the often sited reason but whose? Seems the community don’t rate high on this scale.
Serious consideration must be given to the consequences of the current policies and the adverse side effects it creates. Not the least the propensity to encourage more disorder not less.
Police must start intervening and doing what the Police Force is paid to do.