13th June 2017
The announcement by Victoria’s Chief Commissioner of Police Graham Ashton AM APM, of his intention not to extend his present appointment throws into sharp relief the serious challenges facing policing in Victoria.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) recognizes that the performance of Victoria Police is not only the responsibility of the Chief Commissioner but is a responsibility shared across those senior personnel commanding key line functions. It is for this reason the CAA has advocated the need for a Commission of Review which will address Police Command per se, its personnel, its protocols, its priorities, response times, service delivery, the allocation of resources and all other pertinent issues including underlying philosophies.
A Review is critical to ensure that the best benefits are achieved for all Victorians from the increased allocation of Police for duty in this state which all Victorians are paying for.
A Commission of Review is the only mechanism capable of making Victorians feel and be safe again.
Such a review will ensure that any new appointee as Chief Commissioner will take over an organization that is indeed fit for purpose. Simply appointing another “skipper” to command a ship seriously in need of overhaul and in imminent danger of sinking does not deliver to Victoria or its citizens a police force which will meet the increasingly testing environment of today and tomorrow.
At the same time there is need for reform of the judiciary and the appallingly inadequate sentencing regime. Bail and parole processes are also in need of urgent review and change to reflect the reasonable expectations of the community.
Justice must not only be done – but be seen to be done.
These issues are the focus of much genuine community concern.
The CAA calls upon the Government to immediately implement a Commission of Review as these major issues need to be urgently addressed in this State.
Kelvin Glare AO APM Ivan W. Ray
Chairman CAA Secretary CAA”