25th September 2018


The Community Advocacy Alliance Inc. (CAA), formed over three and a half years ago,  is a body of citizens including retired very senior police, a wide range of business people, victim’s advocates and social workers who are concerned about a number of issues affecting Victorians.  The CAA set out to be apolitical and initially the CAA concentrated on suggesting reforms to the way in which the Victoria Police operated and on promoting changes to the criminal justice system.  Our efforts have been rebuffed by the Victoria Police and by the Government.  Our offer to consult with both is still open.

Putting aside for the moment the Law and Order issues, in light of the coming State Election we have identified the major issue, a need for ethical and honest government as an overarching necessity.

An examination of the present Government’s decisions, activities and performance discloses the Victorians have been let down in terms of governance and good government. Some of the activities are alleged to be criminal.

The real possibility is that if the current Government is returned a number of their elected members may face criminal charges including current Minsters. If that transpires and they are convicted the Government may be forced back to the polls and we Victorians will have to foot the bill, not to mention the disruption to Governance of our State.

The CAA invites all Victorians to bear these issues in mind when casting their vote at the next election.  We need good, ethical, honest and accountable government and must not settle for less.


Kelvin (Kel) Glare  AO  APM.

Chair, Community Advocacy Alliance Inc.