24th April 2023
The Community Advocacy Alliance has been restrained in our criticism of the Premier of this State as we respect the democratic process. Still, there comes a time, issues and place where we can no longer remain silent because we would be failing to advocate for the Community.
The Community has every right to expect that our elected officials act lawfully and ethically, delivering the services, infrastructure and good governance the Community expects.
The political machinations orbiting around the latest IBAC findings involving the Premier are just a bridge too far. We need as a community to stand up and be vocal, holding him to account.
We accept that the IBAC Act restricts the ability of IBAC to lay charges against certain people based on the nature of the alleged misbehaviour, noting that similar behaviour by anybody else would not be tolerated. However, given what has been reported in the media on the IBAC, raises severe doubts about the competency of our Legal system to deal with corruption or criminal endeavours.
Although IBAC cannot lay criminal charges in these circumstances, that does not mean there has not been criminal behaviour. There is no absolution of the Premier in the IBAC reports.
Given the information in the public domain, two alleged offences would have a very good prospect of succeeding, and, depending on the Premier’s advice, a third offence and the most serious would apply.
Primarily multiple counts of Misconduct in Public Office seem to be the most prolific offence, and it is arguable the Premier and others have engaged in multiple Conspiracies to commit other criminal offences-most notably, Theft by Deception from the State.
The most recent exposure of the movement of funds to the HSU needs further investigation to see where all the funds ended up and with whom, and was that purpose even legal? Just because the money was moved within the government and union sphere does not necessarily mitigate theft.
The Premier’s behaviour over an extended period of memory malfunctions is also highly questionable because if it is deliberate, it is undoubtedly Perjury when he is speaking under oath and Misconduct in Public Office at other times.
He has repeatedly used memory lapses when questioned under oath.
And there is also the matter of the notes.
Are we to believe that with a posse of advisers, the Premier does not have access to logs or notes, contemporaneous or otherwise and audio recordings of the important decisions he is involved in?
Are we to believe that the Premier is so unprofessional he operates on a wing and a prayer and has no reference material on his conversations on critical matters of State?
If that is the case and he has the compromised memory span that he claims, the lack of records on important issues of the State would rate as deliberate misconduct.
Either he has repeatedly given false evidence under oath or withheld documents from multiple inquiries, all of which amount to multiple offences of Perjury or Misconduct in Public Office, -or his mental acuity is questionable, making him unfit for Office.
He can’t have it both ways.
We know that he has used the memory lapse response before a number of inquiries, and on each occasion, it was reported that he used it multiple times. Although Perjury is rated as an extremely difficult case to prosecute, nevertheless, in this circumstance, each time during each examination he used the memory lapse answer under oath, he potentially committed a further offence.
What makes these allegations of Perjury offences so egregious is their proliferation and the high profile of the person responsible. These acts alone serve to undermine the rule of law and encourage others to perjure themselves in all jurisdictions where sworn evidence is relied upon, without consequences.
It is essential that this matter be tested in Court to determine if the actions amounted to Perjury.
At the very least, there is a ‘prima facie‘ case for which his guilt or innocence must be tested.
Why should the Premier be protected from prosecution when anybody else in the Community would have been charged?
We are not arguing for a change of government but that the law be applied equally to all.
Allegedly we are all equal before the law as a fundamental Human Right. Still, the actions of this State’s legal system have now breached the rights of all other Victorians by not prosecuting the Premier.
Because the IBAC Act says IBAC cannot prosecute, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Chief Commissioner can.
The Parliament can censure him and refer the matter to the DPP or the Chief Commissioner, which must now happen.
It is also imperative to avoid repetition by others in power, that the Premier, when forced from Office by his colleagues, the most likely scenario, is his discretions do not simply disappear with him.
That would be a travesty of justice of monumental proportions and give license to others to behave in a similar way – integrity in government and the Legal system is then severely compromised, and the integrity of both may end up unrecoverable.
The only other alternative, is we will have to rely on the media to achieve the same result through relentless pressure until his colleagues and Party do what the legal system has failed to do
– hold The Premier to account.
This bloke is a disgrace and what does Victoria have to show for his waste?…a few level crossings removed…deteriorating health education roads infrstructure. Everything and every institution is damaged. Yet Victorians put him back. A drivers dog would have been a better management option.
From the cruel and unjust longest lockdowns and mandates, destroyinging businesses and people due to suicide, destroying the states economy, failing health system and ambulance call out times, the over spending the state now billions of dollars in debt, the mulitable IBAC enquiries, bullying his own staff, not answerable to Victorians with his China visit, selling Vicroads and titles office, he’s not answerable to anything. A rigged election. Thousands of Victorians leaving. What more can he destroy and get away with? I have no hope for this states future. The total unjustness.
Hold The Premier to account
I am surprised at the Victorian population’s admiration of Andrews and His party.
After all the wrongdoings over the years the public still have faith in Him and them.
Of course He, and his lackeys should face court and be accountable for their misdeeds.
Wait until it comes out about His latest trip to China !!
The sooner he’s out of this position in which he totally abuses the sooner Victoria can move forward. Enough is enough!
What gets me is they all voted him and his sheep back into office, as he pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes that voted for him. God help Victoria in the future.
Andrews would have won by a small margin in 2018, He won by a large margin as the voting system is rigged. 2018 was the practice run for the big steal in 2022. In early vote casting & counting ( votes used to be only counted after the close of the polls). Andrews was losing his own seat. Come close of polls he wins by a landslide
Enough is enough – Bring him to justice!
Yes lock him up,Melbourne are stupid for keeping on voting him in,I don’t understand them he abuses them,say don’t go and watch the sunrise he is abusing them and yet they keep asking for more,the most lockdown a year
Shameful abuse of power he has single handedly tried to remove democracy in our state and country. He should be jailed for crimes against humanity and his abuse of spending Victorians money!
For how long are we going to sit on our hands, looking at our feet and say “its not right, we should have something done about this”? Get up off your backsides people and actually do something about it!! Sitting there is how cartels take over governments. It assists despots to establish their roots and grow into dictatorships! Good on you!!! If you say you love your children and your freedoms, then sitting and hoping that someone else will stop the bully smacking you about the head while you stare at your feet is not going to happen, because you are now that someone else. Hoping a teacher or the Principle will step in is not going to happen because the teacher is currently the bully’s agents and the Principle is selling tickets for the event. Prove you love your children and get active!!! If not for them, then your ” comfy” chair that is about to be set on fire under you! We now have all the nails needed to put the Premier and all the legion of his parasites in a box and bury them along with their wanna be replacements for the next century and more, but unless you step in and help pick up the hammer, one and all and smash these nails into place, the vermin we finally have fixed in a decent set of headlights, will slither and crawl back into the cover of darkness they built for this very purpose and disappear your children as they go and any and all that come after them. There is no ‘get around to it later’ or ‘the next guy will sort it out’ non committal rubbish and time is limited on this offer. You got up off your backside quick enough on the last limited time offer for a toaster, so why cant you do it this time on something that will set you alight if you don’t? These people have declared war on our most precious of things…ours and our children’s stable and unmolested future. We have managed one war winning assembly for our side and can nuke them into submission with the facts contained within. This is the only nuke we will be handed in this war and the timer is ticking on a very short disarm. This nuke resets the system- but only targets once and for this ground zero target only. Don’t drop it on this target now before they scurry out of the crosshairs again?? Then say goodbye to anything you had hoped for in your children’s future and acknowledge that everything you and your descendants ever did to this point has been an utter and monumental waste of time and energy. In essence, just sitting and grumbling about it is giving them unencumbered access to ideological, intellectual and personal development, metephoric, rape of your children and grand children as they see fit and your unuttered consent to give it a go.!!! Keep sitting and looking at your feet if you dare- but after the timer hits zero and there is no kaboom to put an end to the nightmare that has begun for Victoria…don’t you dare sit there looking all shocked and surprised when the Premier’s now emboldened minions swoop through because there will be no stopping them then and you asked for it!!! Our children get the benefit of these parasites having the luxury of time and unfettered imaginings, having never meaningfully stepped in their way or pointed out for them in enough detail, as our “employees”, and as their “employers”, we have an automatic right to expect integrity. The time is now when we should all be lobbying departments and banging hard on doors, marching in the streets and organizing very large rallies (pitchforks and flaming torches will be optional) so the clock is ticking. Your choice. Move your feet or learn to spread your cheeks!!!
Our democracy is being destroyed by the people entrusted to protect and nurture it. I have written many times to relevant powers asking why no real investigation has ever been conducted despite obvious offences against the Crime Act 1958. No replies. What does it take to hold this corrupt dictator to account. I could be wrong here, but I do not know one person who voted to reelect this person. How can a real Royal commission with teeth be instigated and why are the Police and OPP indifferent to these offences?
While you’re at it, what about all of the Commissioners at Lawyer “X” enquiry that all denied ever having possessed or filled in diaries ? Continually and adamantly refused to accept they ever wrote in diaries until these diaries were produced. They were all under oath and that to me is Perjury or so I was taught . Why has no action been taken there as well ?
Lord Acton’s famous statement “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is so fitting here. Andrew’s dictatorial power is no more joking matter. It is a very real and significant threat to democracy. It is actually quite past comprehension that this politician is still occupying the highest public office in Victoria notwithstanding his disdain for truth, decency and democracy, this deeply rooted ideal which he is shaking to its core. If he is so fond of socialism, why does not he live for a while in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela or elsewhere where the hammer and the sickle rule the society. He seems to be enchanted by China lately. No doubt he will try to impose on us some freshly acquired socialist ideas,
His recent rant about the IBAC’S report was disgraceful that I am now convinced that his strange fall must have resulted in some mental disorder for which he should seek urgent medical help. He is morally and physically unfit for his office. The sooner he goes, the better we will all be. But be prepared. It will take a long time for the State to recover,
Daniel Andrews was summoned to appear in Court on the 17th of Dec 2021- however the judicial system being what it is ( controlled by the Govt?) dismissed the case before hearing it which is illegal and un lawful- If only more people knew about this- If that were you or I there would have been an ex parte hearing!!! Why did this not occur- is the Magistrate hiding or concealing something? Many questions to be asked-