The amendments proposed by the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023 is a recipe for disaster disguised as promoting Human Rights.

Australia is a signatory to the United Nations Article 61 Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs and has an obligation to comply with that treaty.  Human Rights are not an excuse for allowing any conduct that unreasonably harms anyone.  That is why acts of violence and many other behaviours are prohibited by law.  No society can exist in a state of anarchy.

The scientific evidence that cannabis use is harmful to people is irrefutable.  A recent conversation with a person who has lived among habitual users of cannabis brought the following response, “They lose their social skills, become apathetic, their judgement is impaired, they find it difficult to concentrate and complete even simple tasks, they often are depressed, their memory is affected, and they are uninterested in anything but their next “fix”.

This lived experience is a graphic warning about the detrimental effects of cannabis use.

Authorising any household to grow up to six cannabis plants for personal use by people over eighteen years of age and expecting no adverse outcome for younger people is naivety bordering on lunacy.  Where households have children under eighteen, it is certain that too many will be tempted to try what they see adults freely using.  Escalation of young people using cannabis is a certainty.  To deny this is stupidity.

Time, effort and money would be better spent on education programs, particularly for young people, to inform of the dangers of using cannabis and other illicit drugs.

Educating from an early age is a prerequisite to a lasting diminution in the use of illicit drugs that have become such a scourge on society.  Public campaigns against drink driving and smoking tobacco have had real success.

The free use of cannabis will be reflected in the Road Toll and the proponents of this Bill will have blood on their hands.

This Bill must fail.