In Response to our late friend and colleague, Dr Ray Shuey’s expert witness report into the long-running saga of the Andrews’ collision with a boy on a bicycle, Andrews released the following statement:
“This so-called report was commissioned by lawyers on behalf of their clients who are seeking money through the courts by suing their former lawyers.”
“We are not a part
y to this legal action. We did nothing wrong. This matter has already been comprehensively and independently investigated and closed by Victoria Police and integrity agencies.”
“We will not dignify these appalling conspiracy theories by commenting further at this time.”
Andrews refers to the report by Ray and then immediately denigrates it and by implication Ray, as a “conspiracy theorist”.
The members of the Community Advocacy Alliance and Ray’s family, friends and former colleagues take great umbrage at the besmirching of the reputation of a former outstanding member of the Victoria Police and fine citizen who worked literally on his dying day in the interests of others.
The CAA has been assured that if we can gather one hundred expressions of support from people who knew Ray as a person of impeccable integrity, a major Melbourne newspaper will take up the cudgels publicly on Ray’s behalf.
We ask you to complete the support document, and if you are a member or former member of Victoria Police, we ask that you add your Registered Service Number.
Your support shall remain confidential.
In Support of Ray Shuey
For your chance to stand up for Ray Shuey, fill in the form below. Please provide your Victoria Police registered number if applicable if you are a member or former member.
Support Dr Ray Shuey
To read Ray Shuey’s full report, click the button below:
What a cowardly, disrespectful and degrading response to a report by a meticulous investigator and a highly qualified and respected man. Especially repugnant when Ray Shuey is not here to defend himself and those who loved him are grieving. Having said that we have grown to expect this type of thuggish and abusive dialogue from Dan Andrews
Unlike Ray Shuey, history will not judge Dan Andrews kindly!
The link to Support Ray Shuey seems to have problems
Hi Marty
Yes, there was a glitch in the system so we have changed the form. We hope you can have some success now.
Nicky Martin
CAA Website Admin
Delete Bcc yourself and then hit the sign tab. That worked for me Marty. Cheers
Worked ok just now, mate.
I would like to state that I first met Mr. Shuey in 1983, where he was required to lead an investigation into an incident that had resulted in serious injuries and alleged police misconduct.
Throughout his duties he displayed the utmost respect and professionalism, including a thorough evidence compilation.
He showed no bias and uncovered several discrepancies within this evidence.
He showed great integrity throughout and never wavered despite the reluctance or lack of support from other members keen to protect the member involved.
Showed great impartiality and respect by understanding those officer’s feelings and actions, where some would consider that those members may have attempted to influence his investigation processes.
I respected his honesty and integrity and it was a fine example to me very early in my career.
Retired Sergeant 23589
Dr Ray Shuey was an outstanding Australian, Police Officer, Scholar and a human being. Dan Andrew’s offensive response to Ray’s professionally investigated, comprehensive Report shows what sort of person Andrews is. This fellow certainly does NOT deserve a bronze statue in front of Victorian Parliament nor the highest Award. I wanted to say that if he has in him a bit of decency, he would refuse to accept the statue and the Award. Not such luck though as the word “decency” is not in his moral make up. This worst Premier has showed his true colours by denigrating Dr Shuey’s Report. He thinks that he is above the law. Shame on Andrews!!
I fully support the findings of Ray Shuey. Justice must be seen to be done.
Have signed
I knew Ray Shuey over a long period of time and he was never interested and he was a true friend and gentleman. As we were both Vietnam veterans he contacted me to be part of the Victorian Police members who served and was instrumental in having a number of veterans take part in a professionally made video presentation about our experiences and it is now available to watch at the Australian War Memorial Canberra
The only person whose integrity should be in question is that of Chairman Quasimodo Kim Jong Dan!
There is at least one more whose integrity should be questioned…….the S/C who jumped the call, and her assistant…..and perhaps those who were meant to supervise them.
I met Ray personally on a few occasions post his retirement from Victoria Police. I found him to be one of the the most honest persons I have met. His integrity should never be questioned. Craig Spicer ex LSC 19566
We (the public) should not and must not let this blatant perversion of the course of justice go un-investigated. Unfortunately his majesty’s Sate opposition, the very people who should be screaming the house down over this, are in disarray and barely able to field a leader with a spinal column, let alone hold this corrupt Government to account.
It is disappointing to see the besmirching of Mr. SHUEY’s character and integrity in such a manner by a person like Dan ANDREWS who, in my opinion, is a man of little character and no integrity.
Well said Marty. Regards Jonathan Upton
Why do we bother. Andrews AND his wife are horrible pieces of shit.
Giving them any publicity is an afront to decent Australians.
We bother because the available hard evidence, together with top expert opinion, compels decent, honourable citizens to insist that the rotten example of a past premier does not survive the attempted coverup. Dan’s “retirement” does not entitle him to be excused. Corruption is contagious. In this case publicity is exactly what is required. To fail to publish the report by Ray Shue, is to fail the community. It is said that we get the politicians we deserve. For evil to survive, it only requires good people to do nothing. I, for one, do not accept the corruption that is evident. I, to, am affronted by it.
You have summarised excellently everything in not so many words. This fellow has to face our justice system and pay dearly for his deeds. And if and when that happens, we will all once again regain our faith in democracy.
A great reply! Fully stand by this reasoning!
Nobody is above the law, let’s keep the pressure on this case and bust the wide corruption and bring the high and mighty down
Ray Shuey was a man of dignity and integrity. He was everything that other POS is not. Both DA and those within the department who made this travesty of justice happen need to be brought to full account. As a former highway member, it was patently obvious that the story told was grossly inaccurate.
Ret Sgt 31386
Ray Shuey had more integrity in his little toe than Andrew’s can ever hope for.. Regrettably Teflon Dan will live happily on his pension forever. I am surprised his decent wife is still with him
I have enormous faith in Karma. His time will come and it will be spectacular.
The professional and well credentialed independent opinion of Dr. Ray Shuey easily withstands contrary views or criticism expressed by those with vested interests. It is unfortunate that the “on scene” police member(S) apparently failed to follow proper process by not breath testing the “driver” whoever he or she may have been, and allowing the unroadworthy vehicle to be driven from the scene. The substance of the phone call to the then Premier’s police adviser might also throw light on details of that “crash”.
After putting aside considerable media hype about the “Dan” accident, we are left with significant evidential conflicts about how it happened. We are also left with a few procedural anomalies indicating improper practice, particularly after the accident. Ray Shuey, having impeccable qualifications, extensive experience and deep integrity, has applied his expertise and reported on the accident and events following. It is apparent that some self-serving untruths have yet to be sorted. Past Premier Dan and his wife propose that the matter be dropped, therefore leaving shadows of doubt over the whole matter, including their own conduct. Inevitably politics raises its head. The injured “boy” and his family want the matter re-opened by the Court so they can get “closure”. It is callous of the Past Premier to not want the same for the injured party. Why would Dan and family not want the same Court provided independent fact-analysis and probability-decision to give them “closure”??? At present, truth is at risk of being another victim.
Dan Andrews showed his colours yet again when he refused to appear in the Myrtleford Magistrates Court Dec 2022 ( supposedly had COVID) Even more dispicable the Magistrate dismissed the hearing before even the mention. Supreme Court wanted nothing to do with this-Questions was an order coming down from above?This also needs to be investiated from both sides of the fence- disgraceful! Seperation of powers is an increasing concern with in this “corporate” world that takes no notice of our Constitution.If we dod take notice of our Constitution Andrews would not have been there in the first place ( along with others)
I first met Ray during the Beacon program. As a qualified instructor and Detective Sergeant, I got ‘volunteered’ into the Becon head office in Swanston St working directly under him and Inspector Ken, his Chief of Staff.
I have never forgotten his calm confidence, excellent leadership and guidance during very difficult times.
We achieved a lot, in a very short time and a lot of it was due to his vision and brilliance in terms of strategy and planning.
It saddens me to find out that he has passed. I did not know. Even worse is to find out that an idiot politician, is trying to denigrate him. No way Dan !!
I pray the Karma bus deals with the abominable person andrews is.
I am ill health retired, a large reason for that is the disgraceful treatment by many, no all, in management and command, treatment which I consider corrupt. Accordingly I don’t have a high opinion of many current members of command. With that in mind I have had for many years a very high respect for Dr SHUEY. He was the AC who swore me into the job, and guest at the formal dinner the later that night.
What particularly impressed me was a story he recounted when he, as an AC, come across a code 12 &16 with a heavily intoxicated driver. He said that there was already a junior crewed division van in attendance and that he “took charge” as the senior member and immediately told the driver he was under arrest. He stated that the junior member ushered him aside and informed him that there was no power of arrest under the then legislation. Dr SHUEY openly acknowledged his error and used it as an example that often a junior member can know more in various circumstances(simply because they may be more up to date), but also that the junior member had a responsibility to his oath of office to inform the senior member of the correct policy etc.
To me, this showed a man of integrity that was willing to listen to all, and willing to accept a mistake and take action to correct that mistake.
I fully support Ray Shuey a man of great integrity. Andrews the worst prem Victoria has had to endure, he should hang his head in shame and l hope brought to justice.
Ray Shuey had more integrity, credibility, experience and decency in his little finger than Andrews could ever hope to muster in his lifetime.
Here is my simple message to a fellow Police Veteran. The current Shadow Minister for Police. Brad Battin should Victoria gain a chanmge of Government your first role is to convince the Premier to insitute a full blow Royal Commission in to the whole affair.
Equally you should then call in all those troglodytes who had any hand in this fiasco and ask them how much time do they want to collect their personal belongings and return all Police issued equipment, uniforms and paperwork, before they are ignomineously escorted from various premises.
Having spoken to Ray the day before his death, and having assisted him with this report over many months, I can categorically state, at no time did Ray entertain any ‘hypothesis’ that was not supported by the evidence available. I also note, that the next author, of an additional report, also has my backing and support, with regards to the interpretation of all available evidence.
I’m not surprised by Daniel Andrews comments, nor of the actions of himself and his wife Catherine Andrews (Nee Kesik), given his actions over his tenure as leader of both opposition and Victorian State Government. His actions on that day, say far more about his own character than anything he slanders against an honourable assistant commissioner for Traffic.
VALE Dr Ray Shuey, rest knowing full well, you were an investigator of the highest integrity until your last breath.
I joined with Ray more than 60 years ago. Decency and integrity are the first words that come to mind. Preserving his reputation deserves all our support.
Andrews’s response is appalling, but, unfortunately not unexpected. He has, over his lengthy time as Premier never taken responsibility for the destruction that he has caused. His “reign” has caused many businesses to fail, the needless deaths through his mismanagement of COVID lockdowns, and has bankrupted the State of Victoria through corrupt, inefficient infrastructure projects and the Commonwealth Games debacle to name a few.
Dr Ray Shuey’s independent investigation into the collision that resulted in horrific injuries to Ryan Mueleman conclusion comes as no surprise. How disgusting and arrogant to imply that it was written by a “Conspiracy Theorist” This is just another attempt by Andrews to deflect the truth.
If any decent person does a comparison between Andrews and Dr Ray Shuey then they would conclude there is no comparison. One was an upstanding, decent, respected human being and the other is an arrogant, lying bundle of filth. We know who is who.
“The Media” has reported a recent VicPol statement as follows:…..“As has been previously stated, Victoria Police conducted a thorough investigation into this matter, as did IBAC, and all findings were consistent. We have no further comment to provide on the matter,” they said……..If VicPol has, by omission or commission, the capacity to deliver such a disgusting shortfall in the investigation of the “Dan” accident, then so too does VicPol have the audacity and the capacity to attempt to continue the cover up. The years that have separated these two matters have simply enabled the Separation of Powers to be even more ignored and trampled. Regrettably, the same applies to IBAC -they are not incapable of political bias nor immune to political influence. Ray Shuey’s report points to the need to stop the rot. He has blown the whistle – loud and clear.
I was formerly an Assistant Commissioner with Victoria Police for 8 years and served with Ray as a member of Force Command for 5 of those years. In my service with VicPol, I was Assistant Commissioner (Road Policing & Public Transport Safety), I was the OIC of the Major Collision Investigation Group for 3 years and before that a Senior Sergeant with the MCIG. Within my university degree, I qualified at Road Traffic Engineering and Motor Vehicle Collision Reconstruction, that uses the principles of Physics to determine vehicle behaviour pre and post impact during a collision. I was also a member of the Homicide Squad for 8 years and a Detective Superintendent in Crime Department and Divisional Commander of the Serious Crime Division.
I have read Ray Shuey’s report of the motor vehicle collision that involved former Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews.
Ray’s report raises threshold issues that exposes the officially accepted version of the causes of the crash as a work of fiction. His report is evidence based, non-conspiratorial and raises profound issues that impact on the former Premier, his wife and a probable dereliction of duty of serving and former members of Victoria Police.
Those involved in the reporting of this collision and the former Premier and his wife deserve condemnation. In a nutshell, the accounts of how this crash occurred provided by the authorities are fanciful and devoid of evidentiary support.
The above commentary by Noel Ashby, formerly an Assistant Commissioner of VicPol, together with the findings of Ray Shuey, formerly having similar Executive rank in VicPol, WARRANT AND DEMAND that the stain of improper and unethical political interference be confirmed or denied INDEPENDENTLY of participants. All involved parties accept that the reportage of the “Dan” accident was seriously flawed and remains flawed in VicPol records. Politics HAS played at least a vague role in this unjust situation. Any personal, direct, self-serving involvement of the past premier must now be reliably identified. If any nameless citizen was substituted for “Dan” in this scenario there would by now have been successful prosecutions of those who by omission or commission contributed to the public deception. Community stability and political ethics need this matter to progress – regardless of Dan’s current status.
There are good cops and there are bad cops. Dr Ray Shuey was a credit to the uniform and the oath he swore to uphold.
Current VicPol command is a bad joke with its political bias, a spineless and weak Chief Commissoner and senior command officers intrically linked to the Labor Party.
VicPol is the finest force Labor’s $ can buy and like the ALP, smells like an open septic tank in midsummer.
Ray and I joined the JPT’S on the same day and in fact when we graduated from the old Depot we were 10 numbers apart. knew Ray to be the coppers copper. He was honest, hard worker and fair in his treatment of others goodies or baddies, that is why he reached the rank that he did. We both did national service which took 2 years from our lives. With the investigation he did into the Andrews vehicle accident I believe he was absolutely fair in his results which when read are scathing indictment on Andrews and you can see by the comments made by Andrews he is running scared, because I k now I would be. I had a long conversation with Ray a few days before his death and made arrangements to go see him. Unfortunately we didnt make it.
Rest in peace Ray.
Rest in