1st January 2019
We do not know about you, but these crime statistics are a bit underwhelming and we do not feel any safer.
What we have known about for years, four in fact, is that rampant crime was affecting our freedoms. All the naysayers, “I feel safe dining in Mansfield,” claiming the issue was blown out of proportion can now be silenced that there is a crime Tsunami in Victoria. Crimes of violence against the person are not diminishing and many crimes go unreported probably the majority.
The wave may have started to ebb but the damage left behind will take a decade to repair.
The problem with the crime statistics is they do not help us feel safer because we know one misstep and the crime rate will rocket again.
The most important statistic which should transcend all other considerations is the measurement of safety and security; how safe the community feels. Importantly Police service delivery if measured will also give an insight in how to best deal with the social problems we face. Crime statistics do not let management know if a particular section of the organisation is not effective.
None of the social issues are measured so all we are left with is the cold facts of crime by numbers, not by the impact of those crimes.
Measuring the feeling of safety the community has, is the key.
At least ancient Greeks had a word that describes this key that has no equal in English, ”eudemony”. Described by Aristotle over 300 years BC.to explain a broader phenomenon than just happiness.
Victoria Police have extolled the production of substantial corporate papers, the sort of stuff that gets academic managers excited, but it is of little or no relevance to the Police on the street actually enforcing the Law.
Particularly when these types of documents are not based on empirical data on the important issues to the community (the customers of the service). Victoria Police has lost focus on its purpose, being a slave to itself rather than providing the service to the people it is established to work for.