11th December 2022
As reported in the Herald Sun on the 8th of December 2022, Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson allegedly apologised for an incident involving a Red Cross blood donation worker who was left deeply upset by an encounter with him. It is unclear to whom he apologised.
Simply put, this incident should never have occurred, and we doubt a remote apology will right the wrong. There is no indication that the Red Cross worker has accepted the apology, From the report, we would understand why she may not.
This incident occurred in a café area at Police headquarters where the Red Cross woman approached Paterson. She was there recruiting blood donors, doing her job.
Paterson berated the woman in an area where there would have been large volumes of police employees. As a Deputy Commissioner in Police Headquarters, the imbalance in the encounter was dramatic and for all to see.
Berating a worker rather than taking his concerns to Red Cross in a private capacity, and there are many avenues open to him to do that, is like confronting and berating a junior constable in the suburbs for the behaviour of VicPol during the Gobbo affair.
Mr Paterson has form in this area, having previously achieved comprehensive media coverage for his attack on a Police Sergeant nearing retirement because his religious beliefs oppose homosexuality.
The similarity in his previously exposed incident was also a substantial power imbalance between a Deputy Commissioner and a Sergeant.
Paterson is not employed to peddle his personal agenda. When he puts on his ‘Salute Blue’ suit, he becomes a servant of the Chief Commissioner and an example for other Police to emulate.
It is trite to say that Police, especially senior Police, must not allow bullying. With that, it is also obvious that they should not be bullies. The incidents, while against different people, appear to indicate bullying behaviours. CAA is not saying Paterson is a bully. This is a matter for others to determine, but CAA does say that the behaviours alleged reflect poorly on Paterson and Victoria Police
This incident has broader implications for Victoria Police and the Chief Commissioner.
He was putting the Chief Commissioner in an unenviable position where he is conflicted between supporting one of his most senior executives and his responsibility to maintain discipline and good order in Victoria Police.
Expressing support for Paterson could send a message to all Police that you can use your uniform to pursue personal values with impunity. And you can bet it would end badly if it took off.
This issue will not go away, particularly if other Police are disciplined for inappropriate comments. Their defence will be obvious.
The Chief Commissioner must formally admonish Paterson. This needs to be public, to rebuild the structural damage to VicPol Paterson has created.
Paterson’s behaviour is contrary to the neutrality expected of Police. The CAA believes this behaviour brings ‘the Force into disrepute’ and further feeds the community’s perceptions of the lack of impartiality by the Police, magnified substantially because of his rank.
Would this behaviouir be toleated by Poilce Command for a more junior ranked police memeber.
The way the laws currently stand, only IBAC can take a complaint against any Police Commissioner, and CAA has little confidence they would do anything, making police executives seemingly beyond reproach, creating a protected species.
The Chief Commissioner is, in reality, the last bastion of the enforcement of proper standards. We invite him, as a man of integrity, to publicly rebuke Paterson for his obviously poor behaviour.
We also call on the Government to amend legislation to empower the Chief Commissioner to instigate and investigate complaints against his Senior Officers if required, even if that investigation is overseen by IBAC.
More of the same from Andrews cronies…..this bloke not only has to act professionally …he has to be seen to do so. I have no confidence in Victoria police since the last real copper we had in charge..Neil comrie moved on. They get worse by the day. Who does this bloke think he is? He us a public servant in uniform who has form for breaching codes of conduct. Integrity?”’…spare me that adjective with any of this mob
It’s common knowledge that Paterson had a very strong LGBTQI agenda where is it hoarder if on discrimination against others members who when voicing their religious belief contrary to his are shouted down and internally investigated. What happend to freedom of speech is only a one street,
Interestingly this type of behaviour occurs more than it should. Statements out of kilter with police policy and the law should not be made. I remember Wayne GATT stating to the public through the media that police were not employed to police playgrounds. I personally was stunned. I thought the police were there to enforce the law no matter how you felt about it. I’m not sure what the response will be in regard to D/C Patterson. I am assuming that penalty of “I hope it goes away” may be applied.
It appears the rainbow mafia and the woke brigade are taking over the joint. Time to leave their relationships at home and do some real work instead of peddling around their propaganda to win gold at the next awards. They seem to care about inclusion and diversity as long as you agree with them, and if you don’t, you’re not included.
Sir. I am a Christian and do not follow the teachings of Islam. However, I respect all religions and peoples rights to enjoy them as protected by our constitution and the laws. It is good to know that religious people like us, share the same values on this subject. I stand with you on this my brother.
That’s discraful and IMPROPPER coming from the commissioner of police, a sergeant that’s service the people and community in uniform that’s has beliefs and gets treated like that. So unfair
Whoever authored the above item, on behalf of the CAA, has done you no favours with this Vicpol Veteran. If you have 1st hand knowledge of what Neil Paterson said to this woman, then write that. If not, and the above item is based solely on the original Herald Sun article, then I will conclude the CAA pursues a homophobic agenda, best left in the darker days of Vicpol history. The commentary provided in the original article did not disclose language, even remotely suggestive of ‘bullying’. Having the CAA use the word ‘bullying’ above, is again, I believe, further suggestive of a homophobic agenda. Homophobia, in all its forms, is an outdated and particularly ugly form of prejudice, which has caused immeasurable harms to gay men and women the world over, when it was fanatically over-policed. When I saw the original Herald-Sun article posted on a Vicpol Veterans Facebook site, I thought it a storm in a teacup. Reading the above, I now question the CAA’s involvement and would like to know whether it preceded or followed the supposed ‘news’ article?
Hello Jeneene
The CAA is not interested in the beratement’s content, but that it took place as reported – Irrespective of the topic the Victim felt aggrieved enough to report the behaviour to Red Cross. Our main issue is that the behaviour put the Chief Commissioner in a difficult position now that it has become public. We do agree that Homphphobia is outdated. Like religius or any other personal beliefs the CAA does not have a policy on exclusion we do not ask our memebers to justify their views, they are recruited on their ability to help. For all we know many of the CAA memebers and suporters may be gay, but it is of no interst to us. We dont even ask which political party they support or the football team they folow.
I have had expirience with this poor excuse for a Police member. He is a bully with a personal agenda that crosses the line of what he is employed to do. He should not, nor any police member, be allowed to abuse their position and station to pursue his personal agendas. High time he was dealt with as any other member would be.
Marty. Tell me about it. You should see it from my shoes…
Then you will understand what a bully he really is. If I did what he does…. I would be long gone.
To think Paterson could become our next CC should raise alarm bells. I was accused of assault which was never true and one of my witnesses was Paterson but over the years, he has refused to come forward to clear my name. Im not asking him to lie, Im asking him to tell the truth. As a result of this allegation and his refusal to honour his principles, I lost my job. Tells you what kind of a man he is and it is not what you’d want in a CC
Finally, two years later, in November 2024 – Neil Paterson has been referred by Victoria Police to IBAC.
Article – Corruption referral for senior Victoria police officer Neil Paterson over alleged school road rage incident | Victoria | The Guardian
It appears the bean counters don’t have to remain apolitical and have the do as I say, not do as I do mentality. The oppressed employees who speak out against their progressive policies who ostracise anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a joke. No one cares what part of the rainbow alphabet you belong to just like no one cares that I am straight, so stop trying to use it as a promotion tool to make people care more about your rubbish movement more than they want to care. Uphold the right, not uphold the propaganda