4th of May 2021

Hi All

At the most recent CAA Board meeting, the directors presented to members a strategy to raise funds to make the CAA more effective.

Raising the subs for members as was agreed at the last AGM with the additional income barely covering our Insurance premium.

Currently, we service many non-members with up-to-date information of our operations and often receive input from them influencing our work.

We would respectfully request our supporters to consider either a donation or formally apply to join the CAA as a full or associate member.

No CAA member receives any salary for their effort, some working the equivalent of full time on the project.

Ironically, now having a Chief Commissioner, Shane Patton who views Policing through a prism similar to ours, has not mitigated our work but increased it.

To assist the CAA in broadening our reach please review the link at caainc.org.au re membership/sponsorship and consider becoming a donor or more formally involved.

There are no obligations under our constitution for members to attend meetings, that only applies to the directors.

Our time target is two months.


Ivan W Ray
Chief Executive Officer
Community Advocacy Alliance






The CAA has three classes to support our efforts to communicate on behalf of the community issues that directly impact them through failures in Policing and law and order more generally.

The CAA is a Not-for-Profit registered charity and relies on funding by its members.

It has been operating for six years and publishes articles and lobbies where necessary to further the CAA message in support of the community.

The CAA has no renumerated staff.

To assist us in communicating with the community, the following options are available.

Donations; $20 – $50 – $100 +

Donors of $50 and $100+ have the option of also applying for Associate Membership ($50) and full Membership (100+). For Application forms, please go to cainc.org.au

For donations, go to caainc.org.au and follow the prompts from the ‘Donating to the CAA?’  Banner.

CAA Donor

There are no mutual obligations on donations other than the CAA undertakes to direct all funds to its stated purpose.

CAA Associate member


  • Attend any AGM or Special General Meeting.
  • Receive Email advice of any published articles.
  • By invitation attend any Directors meeting.
  • By invitation, address the Directors of the CAA on any approved topic.
  • Have articles presented for publication evaluated by the editorial team.
  • Appear on the CAA Web site ‘About us’ without a biography.




  • Maintain Associate membership dues. Currently $50 P/A.
  • Have satisfied Directors of good character.
  • Not breach confidentiality under any circumstances.
  • Unless expressly authorised by a Director/s for a specific function, not to make any representation on behalf of the CAA.


CAA Member


  • Voting rights at any AGM or Special General Meeting.
  • To be nominated by a full member for any Directors vacancy.
  • Receive direct Email advice of any published articles.
  • Can participate in CAA Teams-subject to the Team Leaders approval.
  • By invitation attend any Directors meeting.
  • By invitation, address the Directors of the CAA on any approved topic.
  • Have access to a CAA nameplate.
  • Have articles presented for publication evaluated by the editorial team.
  • Appear on the CAA Web site ‘About us’ with a short biography.
  • Can be identified as a CAA Member.



  • Maintain membership dues. Currently $100 P/A.
  • Be nominated by a Full Member.
  • Have satisfied Directors of good character.
  • Not breach confidentiality under any circumstances.
  • Unless expressly authorised by a Director/s for a specific function, not to make any representation on behalf of the CAA.



Any inquiries should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer at CEO@caainc.org.au





Full Name              …………………………………………………………..…..….

Age                        ………………………….. DOB……………………………..

Phone contact- Mbl………………………… Other…………………….……….

Email Address   ……………………………………………………………….………..


Other Social media addresses


Address (physical) ………………………………………………………


Postal Address         ………………………………………….……………………..


Current employment status




Referred by CAA Member………………………………………………………


Two character referees external to the CAA

Referee 1      Name……………………………………………………….…………..




Referee 2      Name……………………………………………………….…………..



I agree to a Police Security check as part of my Membership application.

I wish to be considered for (please tick the appropriate box.)

Full Member                Associate Member

Membership Remittance

Full Membership                   $100

Associate Membership     $ 50

Payments via the Donation portal on the Web site.

Membership Fee paid   Yes              No            Date……………………


Applicants Signature…………………………………………………….

(COVID Rules apply, and an electronic signature will be accepted)

Applications to be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer at CEO@caainc.org.au


All applications will be treated as confidential, and any and all information will only be retained by authorised directors.

Applications will be processed in accordance with the CAA Constitution.


CAA Constitution extract

8 Who is eligible to be a member

Any person who supports the purposes of the Association is eligible for Membership.

9   Application for Membership

(1)  To apply to become a member of the Association, a person must submit a written application to the Secretary of the Board stating that the person—

(a)  wishes to become a member of the Association; and

(b)  supports the purposes of the Association; and

(c)  agrees to comply with these Rules.

(2)  The application—

(a)  must be signed by the applicant; and

(b)  maybe accompanied by the joining fee.


The joining fee is the fee (if any) determined by the Association under rule 12(3).

10   Consideration of application

(1)  As soon as practicable after an application for Membership is received, the Executive Board Directors must decide by resolution whether to accept or reject the application.

(2)  The Secretary must notify the applicant in writing of its decision as soon as practicable after the decision is made.

(3)  If the Board rejects the application, it must return any money accompanying the application to the applicant.

(4)  No reason need be given for the rejection of an application.