by CAA | Dec 2, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
2nd December 2019
The new Hostile Vehicle policy recently announced by Victoria Police allegedly clarifies the difficulty police face in trying to make accurate assessments of when to escalate a Police response.
This, however, is a snowflake policy
– it will turn to sludge when the heat is applied.
The major flaw is that it is, “Police Policy,” not legislation, so a police member could follow this policy or instruction, and still be charged with serious crimes by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), even if VicPol finds that action complied with this policy.
Additionally, this policy does nothing to protect the police member from civil litigation. It may be the State that is sued, but the emotional damage to the member cannot be underrated.
The Hostile Vehicle Policy describes the circumstances that might see a vehicle subject to this policy, but the descriptors are so broad and underdefined the onus again falls to the police member confronted with the incident, nothing changes.
Instilling ambiguity discourages members from acting decisively, the opposite of what we want from them.
A police member cannot definitively hope to determine what the threat is of a driver/perpetrator by location and driving, usually until it is too late. Therefore, a definitive set of rules must be developed so police can act with the confidence that their decision will not be second-guessed.
To give police, and us (the public), half a chance, legislation as an amendment to the Police Act should at the very least determine a Hostile Vehicle as; ‘A vehicle that is driven in a manner to avoid interception or fail to respond to the overt demands by police to stop. As the perpetrator escalates avoidance, so should the application of force.’
The perpetrator may or may not have intentions of mass murder, but avoiding interception can be just as dangerous to the public, whatever the motivation. Decisive actions will be an outstanding deterrent leading to fewer incidents.
This policy, however, may help the police executive, seen to be doing something, but the risks to the police members on the street does not diminish one little bit.
This policy leaves it to a police executive to make a subjective call after the event as to whether the policy was complied with, the problem that already exists.
We are astonished that the Police Association has not opposed this policy, seeking legislative protection for its members.
Currently, the Association is focused on an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement seeking amongst other things a four percent pay rise. We would argue that reducing the likelihood of members losing their job is a higher priority. While this nominal rise is well justified, we suspect many members would like to know that their employment is protected by legislation to perform their duties first and their pay increase second. A matter of economics.
At this time, the question that must be put; had these guidelines been in place earlier, would the outcome of the Bourke Street massacre have been different?
We would argue, probably not. It was not the pursuit policy or lack thereof; it was a culture that has been infused into the organisation where the spectre of ever-present repercussions and poor leadership negatively influences front line police actions.
This new policy offers no additional protection for members than existed at the time of the massacre; therefore, it is unlikely to encourage police to expose themselves to more danger, to protect us.
It is time for decisive legislative action.
The success of the Nuremberg defence,” I was just following (the hostile vehicle policy) orders”, was problematic for many Nazi war criminals executed after the Nuremberg Trials.
Although the execution of police members may be metaphoric, the reality exists, and to expect our police to protect us without protecting them against sanctions is a travesty.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) has long advocated for the use of technology that if it had been implemented, would have avoided the Bourke Street massacre, and removed the danger of many other incidents involving vehicles but the Government and Victoria Police ignore the advice.
The CAA initiative would increase the police capability, dramatically reduce demands on resources and increase the ability to save lives substantially, beyond criminality and save the Government millions in settlements.
An interesting conundrum now appears. Should this policy be retrospective?
We only have access to media reports, but it would appear, there are cases where police members disciplined or are before the courts, that had this Policy applied to their situation, their actions would have complied?
In the interests of justice, the Chief Commissioner must immediately implement an audit of all matters currently before the courts and or subject to disciplinary procedures and where, in any case, a member under this new policy would not be proceeded against, withdraw the matter immediately.
If the Chief Commissioner does not undertake the audit, the Police Association must, to protect its members.
by CAA | Nov 28, 2019 | Features, Library, Uncategorized
23rd November 2019
The Police Veterans in Schools Program (PVISP) was launched recently at the Box Hill RSL. The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) initiative was launched by Rita Panahi of the Herald Sun and Sky Current Affairs to more than sixty guests. 
The launch commenced with police veteran and current primary school teacher Peter Jarvis, the CAA education adviser, taking the first wave of volunteers back to the classroom to update them on what they may experience in the school and specific aspects of the PVISP curriculum.
Notably amongst the guests were three former Police Commissioners, three former Assistant Commissioners and a substantial number of police veterans representing all ranks displaying the new uniform tops for the project. They all had a common purpose, and that is a belief in proactive policing and the need to talk to children before they offend instead of waiting until they do.
The guests included politicians, local government representatives and corporate supporters and most importantly, many of the schools who had expressed interest in the program attended.

Former Chief Commissioner and Chairman of CAA, Kel Glare spoke on his experience and the importance of understanding the basic principles of policing, a concept that seems not to be understood by the current police administration.
He spoke of the simplicity of the concept and how he is amazed that the government has not stepped in on behalf of Victorians to rectify the policing imbalance as the consistent growth in juvenile crime is not being slowed by current strategies.
Kel also spoke of the importance to look over the borders, as every other police force in Australia has maintained a strong youth program policy and do not suffer the same crime rate growth as Victoria.
The Chief Commissioner has refused to support this initiative, and in a letter Kel received it was clear he did not understand the concept of proactive policing which is terribly disappointing as it is as fundamental to policing as keeping to the left when driving is to a motorist or should be.
The guests were then addressed by Julie Le Guen. Julie is the Assistant Principal of Stevensville Primary School in St Albans. She spoke of the concentration of various ethnic groups in the school with about eighty per cent of the children coming from families where english is not their first language.
Julie spoke of the dire need and importance for children to connect with police on a personal level and to that end, Stevensville looks forward to the PVISP.
Our guest of honour Rita Panahi spoke of the “No Brainer” of the PVISP program congratulating the veterans and others that have given their time to develop this initiative.
A parent herself she understood the importance of what CAA was doing. She was astounded that the Chief Commissioner has refused to support this initiative and she would be investigating this issue in some detail. Rita commented that “it just doesn’t seem right, the government should intervene to ensure support for this program” she said.
Veterans giving up their retirement is one thing but having to fund the program themselves is a community disgrace, and substantial credit must go to the CAA Board for their hard work to get the program to this stage.
With over twenty veteran volunteers and twelve schools involved, this initiative is already snowballing as word gets out with more volunteers and schools making contact regularly.
Rita then officially launched the PVISP.

by CAA | Nov 26, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
26th November 2019
Now a fifteen-year-old has died of a suspected heroin overdose in the vicinity of the ‘Safe Injecting Room’.
And already a chorus of “drop the age to let kids in’, ‘let friends (read dealers) come in and help inject their friends (read clients)’, ‘let the pregnant woman in to inject’ – bring their kids to learn -, open up more safe injecting rooms it saves thousands of lives’.
The messages – drugs are safe – drugs are not bad – injecting rooms do not create a marketing mega-site for dealers – injecting rooms do not provide a hub for the drug class – you won’t die from drugs if you do it at our place.
And here is the million dollar question, that no apologist will ask let alone answer
- Where do the drug addicts get their money to feed their addiction and use these nice clean facilities?
- CRIME, yes, you and I pay for it, and that crime is not restricted to property crime but crime against the person.
A society that promotes an activity that supports crime – how dumb are we?
Add to this, a leading list of luminaries, including a former Police Commissioner turned academic, have capitulated recently and called for the decriminalisation of certain drugs.
Decriminalisation is no more than an admission that they do not know how to deal with the problem recycling decriminalisation every couple of years and thankfully ignored as regularly visit
Our view differs from these defeatists and apologists for the illicit drug trade, believing that there are plenty of smart people in this country, and with a genuine commitment, we can find a solution. If not a solution, we can dramatically reduce the harm. The current strategies are a dismal failure, and the problem continues to grow unabated.
National legal drug usage, tobacco and alcohol, are in decline at about the same rate as illicit drugs are on the ascendancy (ABS), but the defeatists choose to ignore those successes and give up.
One of the key traps they have fallen for is the arguments of the illicit drug apologists focusing on the poor addicts portrayed as innocent victims of this whole affair. They are the players, we the public, who do not indulge in illicit drugs, and are the victims.
The significant difference between these poor drug addicts that need special considerations is that addicts of alcohol or tobacco are unlikely to commit a crime to feed their addiction or use their addiction to mitigate their unlawful behaviour and most importantly pressure our young people to indulge.
Despite some of the positives, the overall effect of the current strategies, safe injecting rooms, pill testing, free needle exchange and mitigation of penalties for criminal behaviour sends an unambiguous message to our vulnerable youth that drugs are not that bad. These current strategies grow the problem, not reduce it.
The free needles are popular, but the exchange bit doesn’t work too well and explains the hazardous spent syringes polluting our public spaces and waterways, in many suburbs, to plague proportions, and while we attack single-use shopping bags that are a terrible pollutant the single-use syringe appears not to be an issue. In today’s society, you get into more trouble not picking up your dog’s droppings than a Hep C infected drug addict leaving used syringes in parks, playgrounds and public places pokebud, a danger for inquisitive young children.
Make no mistake; this proposition is reinforced by the drug pushers who approach your children, remember their motivation is sales, so they will emphasise positive spin and use the attitude of those wanting to decriminalise drugs to their marketing advantage. No different to a car salesman emphasising the strengths of the car you may be considering. The car salesman is unlikely to let you know the car is a lemon.
There are a number of factors that are regularly ignored by the inadvertent apologists for the drug trade.
- You cannot force a drug addict to rehabilitate.
- Drug addicts are consummate and practised liars.
- Street addicts are the drug pushers that need to feed their addiction and increase their sales, and your children provide the potential market.
- Many drug addicts enjoy living on the edge in the drug scene.
- Drug addicts are generally lazy, avoiding all typical responsibilities.
- Any support beyond rehabilitation for a drug addict extends their addiction.
- They are unlikely to seek genuine help until they hit rock bottom and too often not even then.
- Lack of support is the best driver to encourage addicts to rehabilitation.
- Prevention strategies to reduced illicit drug use are minimal, which is odd given the growth trends.
The most frightening aspect of decimalisation of illicit drugs is, what will be the unintended consequences.
The theft of motor cars did not diminish dramatically in line with the introduction of engine immobilisers to the Australian car fleet. When the crooks found they could not hotwire a car, the home invasion epidemic was spawned. The need to gain access to car keys outweighed the risks of the consequence of a home invasion.
The decriminalisation of drugs is guaranteed to spawn another possibly more egregious evolution of criminal practices that will befall the community. Whatever form that practice takes will not be good for us.
If the proponents of the decriminalisation approach believe the criminals of this country will sacrifice their lifestyle, power and money, then they are truly naive. Extortion and kidnapping may become an epidemic.
The only practical solution to this issue is to use tried and successful marketing strategies of supply and demand. Reduce the demand, and the supply will be more significantly impacted than any efforts to remove drug wholesalers from the market because as soon as you remove one, another takes the place because the demand is still there.
Reducing demand, which we could do if we are committed, will damage the business model of pyramid selling the drug trade relies on.
Essentially the necessary components to this strategy are:
- Police to target street addicts/users.
- Establish a short term facility for addicts secured under the Health Act to break their lifestyle and market share for short periods.
- Invest in advertising the risks of drugs on social media and how to deal with a family addict on mainstream media.
- Direct the Courts to require them to send addicts to a Health Department facility for short periods, on conviction for possession or use for the first offence seven or fourteen days then escalating on subsequent offences.
- Possession of small quantities of any illicit drug qualifies.
- Provide the power to escalate detention on the frequency of recidivism.
- Drive the street trade underground away from our kids.
This process will not have an overnight impact, but as it builds, so will its effectiveness and impact.
It has to be better than what we are doing now, which really amounts to very little, but of course, decriminalisation is doing nothing, and that is the easiest option in dealing with this insidious problem destroying many of our communities.
Ivan W Ray
Police Veteran Chief Executive Officer Community Advoacy Alliance Inc.
by CAA | Nov 24, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
25th November 2019
IBAC is apparently offended that Victoria Police did not investigate the actions of police who shot two people at a nightclub in Melbourne, two people who sued police and obtained substantial damages. IBAC has no right to be offended – they have known for some years that this sort of cover up was happening.
Royal Commissioner McMurdo is understandably impatient at VicPol’s “tardiness” in producing documents required by Her Commission. She does not understand that – partly because of IBAC’s tolerance – that sort of police cover-up is now quite routine here in Victoria.
A brief example of how this shambles came to be the new “normal” discloses that – within IBAC’s knowledge and without the slightest corrective steps being taken by it – in just one case known to CAA:-
Four Chief Commissioners flatly refused to obey the law requiring them to investigate complaints of corrupt police conduct, instead choosing denial and cover-up;
Three Assistant Commissioners heading police Ethical Standards avoided or prevented investigation of police corruption, and to cover up for crooked police;
The former Office of Police Integrity (from which IBAC drew many of its staff) deliberately covered up for at least two of those Commissioners and did nothing, in the face of direct complaints, with evidence and despite being obliged at law to investigate those complaints;
Several senior officials within VicPol corruptly abused their offices, and were shielded by those Commissioners, apparently with the intention, and certainly with the effect, of protecting corrupt detectives who dishonestly procured that abuse;
At least one Deputy Commissioner, one Assistant Commissioner and one Chief Commissioner were knowingly implicated in the plot to continue that abuse and further victimise the target of those corrupt detectives.
IBAC has known of this affair for years, including where the evidence lay, and by its own lethargy and disinterest has directly contributed to the “normal” situation it now finds unsatisfactory.
Edmund Burke famously said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that (even purportedly) good men do nothing”– as IBAC has done, as OPI did before it, and as so many within VicPol have done.
When so many of the purported upholders of our laws themselves flout the law with impunity, merely as a matter of course, it seems, then a new paradigm of “normality” emerges. This is the new reality facing Royal Commissioner McMurdo. Like her, we find it unacceptable.
Amid calls for the present Chief Commissioner to stand aside, we again call for a full judicial commission of inquiry into Victoria Police and its leadership.
by CAA | Nov 22, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
23rd November 2019
Retiring from a career in policing, a dedicated group of Police Veterans who are sick and tired of bureaucrats having talkfests achieving very little to curb the rising juvenile crime rate, the lack of respect for police and teachers, have banded together forfeiting retirement time to do something about it.
And the one person you would think would embrace this initiative, the Chief Commissioner has refused to support the effort.
A bit like giving away a free-kick.
The Chief cited a 2006 internal police review of the then Police In Schools that identified some management problems. An independent Monash academic review published in 2004 concluded that the program had substantial merit and was effective in teaching the tenets of good citizenship to young people while teaching them how to avoid situations that could cause them harm. While this review also concluded that there were some management issues they could have, and should have, been easily fixed.
Police Veterans have watched with dismay as efforts to address the youth problem seem to have had no meaningful impact. Rehashing of unsuccessful programs rebadged as ‘new’, like the Youth Committees of stakeholders, that failed in the 80’s and again in the 90’s, are being touted yet again.
Recent calls demanding respect for police fail to recognise that respect is earned, not mandated as many dictators have learnt to their detriment.
Similar to these demands is the current strategy of police in Victoria to arrest their way out of the problem, and the citizens of this state are expected to act like lemmings and accept this strategy and not challenge it.
Waiting for our young people to offend, then targetting them without applying any effort to divert them from a criminal path is not what the community expects from our police force. This approach, a product of policing of the 50’s and 60’s, does nothing to help build respect so that our frontline police are not used as a punching bag.
This arrest approach also increases the demand for more police and with Victoria already having the highest number of police to population ratio for Australia. When will the realisation occur that throwing more police and resource at the arrest strategy is not working? Where will it end?
In Victoria, the wholesale jettisoning of youth programs in the early 2000’s has substantially contributed to the current situation. Police in Schools and Blue Light Discos were the cornerstones of police youth interaction. Police in Schools was shut down entirely and support for Blue Light withdrawn.
Contrast these decisions of Victoria Police to all the other states in Australia, as well as New Zealand, who adopted these two programs created in Victoria and have embraced them where they continue to prosper and survive.
If the rationale for jettisoning these programs in Victoria was sound, then why have they not been jettisoned elsewhere? All other the states and New Zealand cannot be wrong.
The move to disengage from youth was an error. However, the greatest failure is to not rectify the situation. That action would gain respect. VicPol does not do the admission of errors well, at our peril.
Police Veterans returned to class this week to prepare for the introduction of the Police Veterans in Schools Program (PVISP), an initiative of the Community Advocacy Alliance Inc. (CAA), a registered charity group chaired by retired Chief Commissioner Kel Glare.
The program is offered to primary schools and has been designed to fit within the state curriculum. The Police Veteran will become a valuable addition to each school community and can play an essential role in supporting school staff. Liaison with police and other agencies to assist with problems encountered by the schools will be a natural extension of their work to help with the development of young people, a basis for starting the long road to reduce juvenile crime and rebuild respect in the community for Police.
The program will cover many social issues. For example, the role of the police and the law, personal safety of children, bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence, harm minimisation and a particular focus on road safety and public transport issues.
The Police Veterans will provide a reference point for children and their parents to discuss issues of concern.
Police in Victoria do visit schools on an ad hoc basis, but this program has substantially more depth. It is planned and outcomes capable of being measured. Most people who experienced the original program still remember the names of the police involved, but a cursory visit to a school by police to play games may have some benefit but does nothing to build long term relationships and achieve a lasting impression and respect.
One of the crucial yardsticks of programs of this type is the impact and retention of the messages delivered, where some programs are all about rewarding bad behaviour and are counterproductive at read this post from norgescåsino.
Additionally, the CAA is working with the Les Twentyman Foundation to introduce youth workers as a resource for young people as part of the program.
Policing is a people business. Relationships and trust are essential and take time to build.
by CAA | Nov 9, 2019 | Library, Media, Uncategorized
10th of November’19
Popular Herald Sun journalist and Sky News presenter Rita Panahi will be launching the Police Veterans In Schools Program (PVISP) later this month. Rita with a reputation of, telling it like it is, is a natural fit for the Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) who are equally committed to, telling it like it is, albeit, like Rita, we are not appreciated in some quarters.
The proposal for a PVISP program is already attracting retired Police Veteran volunteers who understand the importance of educating children on the role of police and how to deal with the social challenges they face.
With the many years of police service, the veterans have experience many current serving Police member have yet to gain, so are brilliantly equipped to educate and provide guidance for our young Victorians.
The program has also attracted a number of schools who are very enthusiastic about having a PVISP Veteran join their school community. Already local government is pushing to have the program introduced in their municipality so the growth of the program is ensured.
As the inquiry level increases, the CAA is gearing up for the increased demand both from the schools, and the Police Veterans wanting to participate.
by CAA | Oct 30, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
31st October 2019
The Police Veteran Support Victoria (PVSV) is a great initiative, although with a few minor tweaks, it could go further and greatly enhance the ethos of inclusiveness that Chief Commissioner Ashton spoke about during the launch of the Veterans Support Card, “they are still a part of the policing family”.
The Chief Commissioner should implement a protocol where a serving member, in uniform, one rank above a deceased veteran, is required to attend ALL retired member’s funerals to read the Police Ode (unless requested otherwise by the deceased’s family). As a mark of respect and recognition of that member’s service, the police flag should be provided to shroud the casket. Magnetic police badge decals for the doors of the hearse and a framed copy of the Ode for the family would complete the gesture.
Despatched with dignity.
This simple act would be managed by the regions, coordinated by the welfare services and implemented by the stations where the funeral was to take place.
The acknowledgement would incur a minimal cost, but the effect would be priceless. The goodwill and respect it would generate, especially within smaller communities, would be immense.
In most instances, a partner of a deceased veteran or their next of kin would appreciate their veterans’ service very much recognised. It is the partners of police members who hold the family together during the long hours they work, especially in times past. Particularly the old-time, one-man stations, where the wife of the local policeman was effectively an unpaid worker. Answering the phone, dealing with counter enquires, feeding the prisoners, dealing with female victims or children until a female member could get to the often remote location. They were unpaid, and their labours went mostly unrecognised.
Today, Victoria Police numbers include far more women in the job than there ever used to be, but there are still a great many veteran members that worked in the era where policewomen formed a very small percentage of the force’s strength, where if you got a vacancy at a one-man station, your wife was expected to be your unpaid helper.
Wherever a police member serves, their partners also live through their experiences, of the horror and the humour, the frustrations, exasperations and the fulfilment and satisfaction a police career brings,
With the advent of the Police Veterans Support Card, Chief Commissioner Ashton said, “Once a police officer leaves our organisation, they are very much still a part of the Victoria Police family, and they should continue to receive our support”. So shouldn’t that then extend to the final measure of support and respect you can pay to a police veteran?
This small gesture of showing respect to deceased veterans and their families as an organisation is one that would be humbly and greatly appreciated and would also very likely endear the member attending and the force, to all those even at the farewell of their loved one. What better way to show, ‘We Care’
Sometimes the simplest acts achieve the greatest impact.
by CAA | Oct 23, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
23rd of October 2019
The Chief Commissioner says he is not going anywhere until his contract is finished because, he claims, in the Lawyer X matter he has done nothing wrong and he is looking forward to giving evidence at the Royal Commission.
A popular refrain, not unfamiliar with many police.
The appropriateness of the Chief Commissioner remaining in his post while the issue of Lawyer X is examined at the Royal Commission is a question gaining momentum in the media and other places.
It will also be a matter crossing the minds of very many serving and former Police officers and no doubt the Government as the ethical dilemmas waft their way.
The double standards of his position will not be lost on those members who for substantially less serious allegations found themselves suspended from duty, often for years.
Looking more closely, it is obvious that the Chief Commissioner is completely conflicted in continuing in his role and his position is now untenable as are those of any Police executives involved in this fiasco.
The frustration expressed by the Royal Commission in obtaining essential data from VicPol to properly perform their task is central to this untenable conflict.
If there were serious allegations of misconduct against any other serving Police Officer, the Chief Commissioner would not permit that member to remain on duty, but here we have the Chief Commissioner doggedly remaining in charge of the organisation being investigated with him as a central figure.
Significantly the Chief Commissioner is in charge of the people in the police organisation charged with supplying material to the Royal Commission which could reasonably be material adverse to him. How can we be sure that nothing is withheld?
Whether it is deliberate or otherwise, VicPol facilitating tactics to frustrate the Royal Commission manifest the conflicted position of the Chief, who, as a key player in this whole issue, must stand down.
It would seem that the seriousness of the matters aired at the Commission has not resonated yet with the hierarchy of Victoria Police or the Government
I cannot recall any police behaviours so strenuously dammed by the Highest Court in the land. Therefore, it follows that those responsible will ultimately feel the full force of the law and it will not be a surprise that perpetrators found culpable will face jail time.
It is ironic that the justice system that was allegedly perverted by the Chief Commissioner and others, by the totally inappropriate use of Lawyer X, will be the same system that the Chief Commissioner and his cohorts will be relying upon to determine their guilt or innocence if charged with criminal matters.
The Chief Commissioner and others would be hoping the system is not corrupted when they need to rely on it.
As the depth and breadth of the police hierarchy behaviours are exposed there are already signs that any confidence left in the executive command by police members is evaporating rapidly as the realisation dawns that by the actions of the executive violent and murderous criminals could be let loose again to wreak havoc.
As the fallout from this Commission continues the release of some very unsavoury and violent criminals back into society seems highly probable, with every chance a new turf war will break out as old lags try to re-establish themselves.
It will, however, fall to the current police members to face the inevitable danger this presents.
It would be a massive travesty if a police member paid the ultimate sacrifice as a consequence of the inept actions of those that are responsible for their welfare.
The Chief Commissioner must stand down or be stood down now in the interests of justice.
by CAA | Oct 13, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
12th October 2019
On one of the darkest days in the history of Victoria Police, the ambush and murder of the Divisional Van crew, call sign Prahran 311, Constables Steven TYNAN and Damian EYRE, I reflect on today, October 11, in 1988. The day the chain reaction started with the shooting of Graeme Jensen in a roadside intercept in Narre Warren by members of the Armed Robbery Squad ( ARS). Don’t get me wrong, Jensen was a low life, recidivist criminal who was an alleged prolific armed robber and was tied up with the Allen/Pettingill clan who were into anything and everything you could possibly think of, and then some.
Jensen’s death, at the hands of members from the ARS caused a knee jerk reaction on the part of Jensen’s associates that culminated in the ambush and murder of Tynan and Eyre just before 0500 hrs on October 12, 1988 a mere 13 hours after Jensen’s death. It was obvious who the initial suspects were right from the get-go.
The two junior Constables weren’t the only victims though.. Veteran Homicide Detective Senior Sergeant John Hill who investigated Jensen’s shooting, committed suicide in 1993 two months after being charged by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) with being an accessory to murder after the fact, for allegedly concealing evidence that the police members involved were criminally liable for Jensen’s death.
John Hill always maintained his innocence of the charge and felt that his integrity had been destroyed when he was charged. Sadly he didn’t live to see the charges being thrown out and VicPol lost one of its most amazing mentors and best detectives. Eight members from the ARS were directly presented by the DPP, but only one member’s charges proceeded to trial where he was aquited, that member is now Assistant Commissioner Bob Hill (no relation to Det Snr/Sgt John Hill).
Over the years, tongues have loosened and consciences been pricked resulting in further investigations and more information becoming public record. Some police royally botched things and made incredibly poor errors of judgement on this day 31 years ago and the ramifications have become part of our history. Maybe one day the whole truth will come out, it won’t change things for Damian Eyre, Steve Tynan or John Hill and their families but it will put to an end the secrecy and teflon like cloak of inviolability that surrounds the main players.
RIP Steven, Damian and John, you’re remembered to this day because of how you passed and the events that preceded it.
Jo Donovan
CAA Board
by CAA | Oct 10, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
11th October 2019
How good is this?
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) is a strong advocate for building positive relationships between the Police and the community, and we are always looking for new initiatives, but his one is a standout.
Since the introduction of Random Breath Testing (RBT) and the ubiquitous Booze Bus many years ago, the concept has not changed. Although a very effective tool in driver compliance. Nobody it would seem has had a look at the quantitative approach of the maximum throughput of drivers to a more qualitative outcome for the resource commitment.
Although it is recognised that the Bus’s high visibility presence does of itself provide a deterrent, it has taken Senior Sergeant Bruce Peel of Queensland Police to have a look at the traditional RBT strategy and apply some lateral and creative thought to this process.
Senior Sergeant Peel, working with the University of Queensland, developed a program entitled PACT.
The PACT initiative, (P) Purpose of engagement with the driver, (A) Acknowledgement of good habits, (C) Delivering an anti-Crime message, (T)Thanking the driver for the engagement.
The anti-Crime message is importantly relevant to the locality and can involve asking the community for assistance.
All this only takes thirty-nine seconds of additional time over a traditional test, but what a powerful message opportunity with the full attention of the driver.
The six month trial of PACT is currently underway, with the resources of Queensland University applied to measure the impact and effectiveness of this strategy. Early signs are that it is having a positive effect on crime and driver compliance alike.
It has been long acknowledged anecdotally at least, that crime and alcohol or drug non-compliance are interrelated. PACT addresses both and therefore when target areas are identified, the crime levels can be part of the targeting considerations.
We would encourage Victoria Police to follow this initiative.
There is, however, a beautiful irony that is not lost on the CAA.
The PACT program is very much in line with the traditional policing principles that have stood the test of time.
The Principles were penned by British Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel in the 1820s; we would have to wonder whether Senior Sergeant Peel is related.
Innovative Law enforcement is perhaps in the genes.
Ivan Ray
by CAA | Oct 10, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
10th October 2019
There has been constant and justifiable criticism of the lack of Police on our Highways. Letters to the media have often lamented that trips from Victoria though other states have a marked difference in the visible police presence on their highways and a distinct lack of a Police presence in Victoria.
The highways can be a foreboding place with vast distances to be covered and the police not only provide a presence for traffic law enforcement, but the community feels safer using the highways with this presence.
The standard answer as to why there are less police on Victorian Highways is generally blamed on the two up policy for Police introduced as a safety measure a few years ago.
At that time, there was a heightened concern of terrorism, and while we must always be mindful that the threat exists it would have seemed to have abated somewhat over recent times.
It is now time that the Highway Patrol issue is revisited in light of the current risks and apply some lateral thought on how this issue might be improved.
Arguably, the highest risk for any operational police member is a lack of situational awareness. That lack of awareness can be a critical contributor to the dangers of policing.
Part of the solution to the Highway problem is the provision of more cars.
Instead of Highway cars being two up in one car, why can’t they be one up in two vehicles.
Working a stretch of a highway together, the one up cars can maintain a visual and or close radio contact not operating more than five or six kilometres apart, from their colleague and should back up intercepts to ensure safety.
Working in tandem this way could also see the reintroduction of Police motorcycle solos working in tandem with a police member in a car.
The flexibility of this approach has many positive spin-offs and will dramatically increase the Police presence in fairly short order.
After all, it will be cheaper to buy that additional car than hire another two members to put that additional police vehicle on the highway.
Ivan Ray
CEO. Exec Sec. CAA
by CAA | Oct 6, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
7th October 2019
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) has previously raised the issue of the management of Juvenile prisoners highlighting that Corrections must be the sole manager of prisoners irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity or any other physiological or social identity and be responsible for their safety, the safety of other prisoners and the security and the safety of staff. The restorative role must not supersede these responsibilities.
The plethora of prisoner advocates and other advisers and professionals that impose on the system, including the Courts, must only be an advisory input as none of these people are accountable for the impact of their imposition.
The latest outbreak of violence in the juvenile system could have been avoided if the advice the CAA provided the last time there was violence, was heeded.
It was highlighted in the previous article that the decisions have to be made and actions taken in real-time because that is where the prisoners are, in the now.
It is doubtful that all the trouble was spontaneous from all the prisoners, and there had to be one or more catalysts before the major issue developing. Our proposal was that at the first act of disobedience or any breach of the rules of the facility, that prisoner must be moved out to adult prison. That may only be for a limited time.
Looking at the physical presence of some of those prisoners it is questionable as to why they were held in a juvenile facility in the first place, highlighting the folly of one size fits all age grading of juvenile prisoners.
Ivan Ray
by CAA | Oct 6, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
6th October 2019
The recent community angst towards the Police at Box Hill having a flag-raising event to honour the 70 anniversary of Communism in China was insensitive and ill-advised, but the defence that it has been happening for years was not insensitive but embarrassing.
Police would laugh at a driver claiming that exceeding the speed limit for years was justification on the day the driver got caught. That the communist flag had been raised for several years does not make the recent event acceptable but the contrary. That nobody complained before is irrelevant, but what is relevant that this is a repetitive action making it worse than an isolated incident.
Incredibly with all the publicity of China’s actions in Hong Kong and a well-publicised history which is an antithesis of our democratic values, that the Box Hill Police were blind to the implications is worrying.
With even with the most basic of knowledge of the Chinese culture we understand the role of symbolism and the vital role it plays in their day to day lives as well as the political views of Australian people of Chinese heritage. Xi Jinping for example, never walks forward to greet a visiting head of state, instead has the head of state walk up to him and he is generally on an elevated position. This symbolises the power of Jinping having world leaders approaching him in a subordinate manner, symbolism at work.
Interestingly we note today that the Box Hill Police Station no longer displays the Australian Flag which gives the impression of petulance by VicPol or Box Hill Police, but there may be a legitimate explanation.
Most commentators have overlooked the significance of this event.
It is true that there is substantial community angst as result of this ill-considered event, but the major impact will not be felt here but in China where their propagandists can point to Australia honouring China and the propaganda message will highlight not only that the Police are on China’s side, but Australian Politicians (read Government) are also celebrating.
This is the 70th Anniversary of Communist rule in China, a celebration of their a Political class. Raising Labour of Liberal Party flags on Police Stations when they celebrate Milestones would be the same and would not be permitted, but the Communist Party Flag is.
Before we know it, Australia is portrayed as supporting Communist China against whomever their propaganda machine chooses.
There has been growing criticism that Victoria Police are too close to the Government and the raising of the Chinese flags will be interpreted by many through the prism of the relationship between Police and the State Government, honed by their own experiences.
It is very easy to see how this simple gesture could easily be used within the community in a negative fashion by individuals promoting their agenda.
If we do not stop the exploitation of police flagpoles, the next thing that will happen is the Police Colours will be paraded at every other parade or march in Victoria. Imagine the Police colours being paraded in a CFMEU Industrial march, the Pride march, or the Grand Final parade. The sanctity of the consecrated colours would be trashed.
The solution, however, is simple. All Police buildings should fly the Police Flag if there is only one pole, and the Australia Flag to the left of the Police flag if there are two.
No other flags should appear on Police Buildings and certainly not any flag representing any special interest group or other nation – a simple gesture that demonstrates the independence of Policing in this State.
Moreover, that includes the Richmond Premiership flag.
This fiasco highlights some other flag issues that must be addressed.
There is a National protocol on how the Australian flag is to be treated and VicPol would be best advised to read the protocol and comply. The community would expect its Police Force to respect the flag appropriately.
by CAA | Oct 3, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
I was recently given a book by a friend with the only advice; you will enjoy the read. Being diametrically opposed to the Policing values and strategies introduced by former Chief Commissioner Nixon, her photo on the fly cover seemed to ensure I wouldn’t enjoy the book. I had assumed it would be just a self-serving papering over of the facts of her tenure.
I was puzzled as my friend knew my views, and for that reason, I took on the assignment.
I am not sure that enjoyment was the emotion I experienced. As I waded into the book it became clear that arguably, and sadly, it chronicled how The Victoria Police Force had been de-forced, and how a toxic environment was created to allow the likes of the Lawyer X catastrophe to evolve, as well as many other management debacles that still have a negative impact on VicPol today.
The book is by Stephen Linnell the Victoria Police Media Director during the reign of Christine Nixon, 2001 to 2009.
A decade on, and VicPol still struggles to recover.
I have never met, and do not know Stephen Linnell, so this is an independent comment. As for Nixon I have never met or had contact with her. My knowledge and opinion of Nixon is based purely on media reports and ‘informed sources’.
It is clear from this book that what many former Police suspected for a long time was, in fact correct. VicPol management was destroyed by incompetent, skill-less pretenders and self- centred egotists, who were masquerading as Police professionals that were focused on themselves, rather than what they were employed to do.
Nixon’s role was that of a facilitator creating the environment for these things to evolve.
The organisation was run and may still be, by a coterie of Elites, serving only their objectives to gain and hold onto power.
According to this book, not only did Linnell have a front-row seat to the machinations of VicPol, but he was swept up in it and paid an enormous personal cost for loyalty.
I know many of my contemporaries often muse the conundrum of just what happened that took Victoria Police from the preeminent Police Force in Australia, to become the most inept, and derided by other Police Forces.
The book as it turns out, is a fascinating insight from within, chronicling the decay of the management of Victoria Police and the evolution of phenomena like Judicial Management, and the folly of Matrix Mangement, just two of the go-to tools of the Elites.
Judicial Management has now become entrenched and is used to control the members through the use of legal instruments. Whether that be the Courts or other organisations designed to fight serious corruption they are instead used to manage the awkward or those perceived to be threats to the Elites power base.
Linnell was swept up in the Noel Ashby, Paul Mullet struggle of the early 2000s where the art of Judicial Management was developed, later to be refined and applied to Sir Ken Jones who’s efforts to stop the Lawyer X debacle were thwarted.
The hope is that one day the sealed affidavits used to gain warrants for Telephone intercepts used by the Elites and hidden from scrutiny are opened, and we can see the alleged justification that led to partners and children of Police executives having their phones tapped. That will also clear any fears that the Judiciary or the Legal fraternity were complicit in this practice.
Linnell became a prime victim who was destroyed after being trapped by a process supposedly to fight crime and corruption rather than questionable matters like an executive power struggle that should have been dealt with by the Chief.
This whole matter was the product of the Elites forming suspicions based on questionable material and then set about trying to create the facts to fit their narrative. This is the antithesis of proper Police investigations, which involves gathering the evidence first, then determining what if any offences exist.
If you have an interest in the goings-on in the upper echelon of Victoria Police during that era and perhaps why VicPol is where it is today, ‘Don’t tell the Chief’, by Stephen Linnell, Wilkinson Publishing 2010. Still available from a number of online retailers.
You will be amazed at some of the crazy management processes bordering on bizarre that were implemented.
by CAA | Sep 29, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
30th September 2019
The latest crime statistic figures are thoroughly depressing, and more of the same is the response from VicPol.
It defies logic that the same strategy is reinforced and promoted that got us to the Crime Tsunami of 2015, and still, there is no visible sign of respite on the horizon for Victoria, the epicentre of crime in Australia.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) with over four hundred years of policing experience has begged, demanded and tried to cajole the Victoria Police to change their strategy on crime but they steadfastly hold onto the futile approach of trying to arrest their way out, and it just does not work, as a permanent or long-term policing strategy.
The evidence that we are right, is now in, again.
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) released the Victorian recorded crime statistics for the year ending 30 June 2019 today.
The highest number of unique alleged offenders was recorded in the year ending June 2019 (84,989 unique alleged offenders) this equates to approximately one unique alleged offenders for every 78 Victorians. The average age for male (34.2 years) and female (33.2 years) unique alleged offenders was the highest average age in CSA data holdings which go back to July 2004.
In the last 12 months the unique victimisation rate per 100,000 population decreased (down 2.9% to 2,832.4 from 2,915.7) to the lowest rate in the CSA data holdings which go back to July 2004. Approximately one in every 33 people in Victoria were victims of crime in the year to June 2019.
In the last 12 months the number of criminal incidents increased by 1.3% or 4,944 incidents to 387,389 while the rate declined by 0.8% to 5,873.5 incidents per 100,000 Victorians. A similar pattern was observed for recorded offences, the number of recorded offences increased by 1.5% to 514,398, while the offence rate decreased 0.6% to 7,799.1 offences per 100,000 Victorians.
Alleged offender incidents increased by 4.6% (7,781 incidents) to 176,837 in the last 12 months while the rate increased by 2.4% to 3,063.5 per 100,000 population.
Victim reports which increased by 0.6% to 301,099, while the victimisation rate dropped 1.5% to 4,565.2 reports per 100,000 Victorians. This is the lowest in CSA data holdings, which go back to July 2004.
Family related incidents increased 8.6% in the last 12 months to 82,652 incidents. The rate of family incidents increased by 6.4% to 1,253.1 incidents per 100,000 population.
CSA Chief Statistician Fiona Dowsley said that “we are seeing record numbers of alleged offenders being processed by Victoria Police and the average age of these alleged offenders has been increasing.”
The much-hackneyed saying of ‘Doing today what you did yesterday and expecting a different result’, has not changed its definition.
More arrests are not the answer, (the crime Stats. prove it) as they have increased exponentially, but the crime rate has also increased, a contradiction of the intended goal. An insatiable appetite for more police is not working, possibly because of the high attrition rate of experience from the organisation, which may in part explain why with all these extra police nothing is improving.
Deputy Commissioner Patton was reported as saying about the latest crime figures.
“We realise we need to do more and we are. It’s a significant issue.
“That’s an area of focus for us moving forward.”
‘An area of focus moving forward’, is police speak for another task force or similar targeted reactionary group drawn from the frontline which translates into more work for the general duties police — more afternoon shifts on weekends and more frequent Nightshifts pushing many past breaking point.
We have some sympathy for the Police Minister who must now surely take the initiative and start bringing real pressure to bear on VicPol to change strategy.
Although crime failed to be a significant influencer in the last election, as this Government ticks off on infrastructure and other initiatives policing could rise to the top if effectively prosecuted. The potential for this issue to be major political one is real, given what is happening with the Lawyer X inquiry and other matters of public interest all coming to a head in the latter part of this political cycle.
In response to the crime data, the Police Minister said,
“A multi-agency approach was necessary when dealing with youth offenders.”
“The problem is that we then have this small group of youth offenders who continue to commit serious and regular crimes,” she said
“There’s a number of things we have put in place.
“This is the first time we’ve got everyone at the table – from police to schools to the justice system.”
Sorry Minister, but if that is what you are told, you have been sold a pup, this is not new or original, no matter how it is packaged, you have been badly misled.
This approach has not worked in the past and is unlikely to work now or in the future. It can be part of a proactive strategy but of itself is a waste of time, proven over many years and many iterations of the same theme.
These types of meetings follow the same pattern. The Police demand everybody else has to do something ’Share the Load’, the attendees all agree that everybody else should do something (except them), and nothing is done.
There will be plenty of rhetoric covering backsides, but like every other reiteration of this theme, we will be exactly where we are now in twelve months when somebody will realise, and the con is exposed, twelve months wasted.
To put faith in this approach would be a very serious mistake and will distract effort from effective solutions.
You might ask how we are an authority on this?
We tried this and found the failings many years ago. We also were excited by the prospects at the time, but ultimately disappointed by the outcome, and we are aware that it was tried again in the early 2000s and failed then as well.
Paradoxically, the one agency that can do something meaningful, Police, do nothing different, but can then blame others for inaction.
Crime is first and foremost a policing problem and cannot be subcontracted out.
This is not the fault of the Police on the front line who work in an ever-increasingly difficult and dangerous environment. With Victoria, having the highest number of criminals by population in the country the inevitable consequence will be continued crime at an unprecedented level but also an unacceptable toll on the front line Police who will succumb to PTSD because of the pressure without letup in sight.
So why this problem has not attracted the highest priority (and action) by Government is bewildering. Even more bewildering is that the solution is not that hard or expensive.
The review of Policing that the CAA has continually called for is now not only inevitable but urgent.
This circuit breaker must happen soon.
by CAA | Sep 26, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
26th September 2019
The planning is progressing for the start of the Police Veterans In Schools Program (PVISP), and I am pleased to advise that we have many with their shoulders to the wheel to make this happen.
The above logo is the one proposed to be used throughout the program and will look smart and present the program as professional. Derivations of the same logo will be used across many applications.
At this stage, the PVISP Polos will feature only the CAA logo, but provision is made that partner logos can also be included as we move forward.
We are excited that Youth Workers from the Twentyman Foundation will be involved in this program.
Schools that have shown a keen interest in the program are currently being assessed as to which ones we may be able to start with. Equally, we have many volunteers that are also being evaluated and we will be talking to both groups further as we develop.
We anticipate that the official launch will be towards the end of October; however, the program will start closer to the commencement of the fourth term.
As soon as we determine a date and select the school, we will be forwarding invitations to VIP’s and the media as well as all volunteers who have expressed interest.
We have done a lot of groundwork and plan this to be a substantial media event.
We will also be announcing who will conduct the Official opening.
We will distribute updates as matters are confirmed.
Ivan Ray
Ps. The PVISP Co-ordinators contact details are Robin Bailey (Veteran Coordinator) and Frank Byrne (School Coordinator)
by CAA | Sep 14, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
15th September 2019
The stress created by the legal system on Victims by the impact of, ‘Closed-door plea deals’ HS 14/9/19 is an outrage but highlights only part of the story.
Hidden from general view is that multiplier impact of a ‘Plea Bargain’. A process that entered our legal system by stealth never having been legislated it also provides a raft of, get out of jail free cards to perpetrators.
By dropping a tranche of offences against an offender and progressing on only one or two for a guilty plea means that the victim, in that case, sees offences they know happened whitewashed.
The next victim of that perpetrator is also impacted because some offences for the next victim may well be second or third times for the perpetrator. Because of ‘Plea Bargaining’, whitewashing, the perpetrator must be dealt with as a first offender on some offences. Previous offences of a type that have not attracted a conviction cannot be referred to in a future trial or ‘Plea Bargain’ and cannot be reflected in any penalty imposed by a Court– that is not justice.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) has long advocated for a review of this practice.
Aa a practical alternative a ‘Sentence Bargain’, will allow for the judiciary to interpose to ensure the practice is not corrupted as is the possibility with ‘Plea Bargaining’.
Discounting of sentences to achieve a guilty plea is sensible and we do not oppose that principle but ‘Sentence Bargaining’ where an agreement is reached not to seek penalty on some offences must replace ‘Plea bargaining’ but each crime committed must have a conviction recorded as a significant deterrent and a recognition of the trauma caused to the victim.
Lawyers making threats to contest if offences are not whitewashed does not pass the Pub Test by any stretch, the bluff must be called, it is in the public interest.
Perpetrators must be held to account for all their crimes.
by CAA | Sep 12, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
12th September 2019
The copper on the beat, the plod on the sod, and there are other parochial titles for the Police on the beat, many of them derisive.
Seen as a quaint hangover of the 19th century this Policing practise is more relevant to today than it is given credit when generally the community is more electronically connected than physically, and the lure of a nice comfortable air-conditioned office or Police car is too tempting and allows Police to avoid their proper function.
The foundation of all good policing is interacting with the community and preventing crime and disorder.
It is, however, not all bad news, there is evidence that Victoria Police are starting to introduce more foot patrolling. It is probable that they have been at it for a while, but it is now clearly more evident, and that is a good thing.
The sad thing is the art of the foot patrol seems to have diminished over time, and the practice of sending out a patrol, of sometimes up to five members is akin to a military, rather than a police operation.
Yes, they achieve a highly visible presence, as do traditional police foot patrols, but there is more to a police patrol than just being a presence. There needs to be interaction with the community, not just the people that the patrol identifies as possibly requiring their attention but the broader public. The presence of a large patrol creates an impregnable front that is counterproductive to good community interaction.
Paradoxically the high concentration of Police provides a security risk for the police, packaging them up into a nice tight bundle. The art of policing safety is ‘Situational Awareness’, and that is the most effective defence to the danger of policing.
A group of police walking down the street engaged with each other verbally or non-verbally diminishes situational awareness and increases their personal risk.
The preoccupation with the absolute opposition to Police working by themselves is counter-intuitive to their safety.
We do not advocate to increase the risk to Police but the opposite.
If the resources of Victoria Police allow for patrols of the size pictured, then either follow the military practises of patrols, detail a forward scout and a tail-end Charlie, or revert to police patrols.
We presume that the patrol of five would be led by a Sergeant, the members deserve that support, and that Sergeant should deploy and manage his people through the area to be patrolled all within a safe distance of each other should help be required. The technology available to patrolling Police and their supervisor will ensure their safety.
Rather than decisions on deployment being made at a higher authority, the deployment of the patrol should be at the discretion of the Sergeant.
We are yet to see any patrols in the suburbs of note, but as the realisation occurs that proactive Policing is valid, so the patrols will increase as senior management evolves and they start to move from their current city-centric policing model.
Of course, putting in place patrols where there has been, a problem is reactive policing, or prevention after the occurrence, but genuine proactive foot patrols can form the cornerstone of a competent, dynamic statewide police force.
After all, the vast majority of the city’s problems are born in the suburbs.
by CAA | Sep 5, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
6th of September 2019
Our public transport system is rife with fare evasion costing us millions, but although the money is relevant, the Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) is more concerned with the culture that has been developed to teach our children to be dishonest.
As soon as a young person starts using the transport system, they are under immediate peer pressure, not to tap on. Scamming the public transport system is dishonest and sets the culture for our young. Dismissing this behaviour as trivial fails to recognise the negative influence on cultural development.
Children embarking on their first foray on the public system quickly learn that in the morning, hurly-burly in the house, the request/demand for Myki money must be left until the last thing. That holds up the departure from home, at a critical time, and fazed parent reach for the cash to shunt the children out the door. The children quickly learn that the parents under stress, lose track of how much cash they have forked out over time.
Critical to the success of this strategy, the children rarely get caught for fare evasion. Therefore, the deterrent effect of ticket inspectors and Police patrols is lost. Not only are they’re never going to be enough resources to police the network but, enforcement is continually thwarted by the mobile phones and the social media network.
The sophistication of some of these networks put the old 1920’s SP Bookmakers to shame.
Not only does the social media network provide an early warning of the presence of ticket inspectors anywhere in the network, but they will also advise on how to bypass using busses and trams and alternate trains.
Don’t get off at ??????, go two more stations down and catch the ??? bus number ? to??? Then that train to??? – all good.
As the child, gets older, and the need for more pocket money is justified, supplemented by the Myki cash card contributions, all of a sudden they have the financial capability to start experimentation with drugs. Again usually as a result of peer pressure.
Now you know how many kids finance access to drugs. It may be less than $50 for a pill, but it is the start.
How this phenomenon evolves is rather simple; it is the consequence of abused trust.
A child is born with a hereditary, trust bank account, as it should be. As the child matures so they learn to use this trust bank for their own ends, generally driven by wanting to belong, be an accepted member of the group not ostracised, peer pressure.
The challenge for all parents is to manage this phase in their child’s life without withdrawing from the trust bank.
The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) will be helping parents with this dilemma as we roll out the Police Veterans In Schools Program (PVISP) soon to be officially launched.
We need your support.
by CAA | Aug 27, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
27th August 2019
Soon after the last State election, the Victorian government launched a full-blown Royal Commission into certain alleged activities involving senior police.
CAA has complained for several years about misconduct by senior police – potentially, and now it can be said the same senior police.
It is simply not possible that the latest revelations were completely unknown to the government before the elections. The announcement on 3 December of the launch action is ample proof that the matters were under consideration for some considerable time before then.
The lid just could not be kept on any longer. Coverup ceased to be an option.
The coverup of the allegations levelled by CAA is also no longer an option. The community of Victoria is surely entitled to have honest people running the machinery of government set up to protect us all – honest men and women whom themselves respect the law and morality underpinning our society.
It remains to be seen just how far the rot spread and precisely who was involved in what the High Court has termed “reprehensible” police misconduct, but it beggars belief that their misconduct was limited merely to one facet of police behaviour.
Having regard to the terms of reference of the current Commission, Professor Colleen Lewis has called for a wide-ranging Royal Commission into our police force and argued that such inquiries have been beneficial in the past. CAA fully concurs.
The Alliance will be watching, and advocating “Integrity and transparency” as the watchwords for police – in place of “denial and coverup” – in the public interest.
by CAA | Aug 27, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
27th August 2019
As this month draws to a close, we have completed nearly four weeks without publishing anything that could be construed as critical of VicPol. This was in response to VicPol coming to the table for the first time, on four years to discuss our request for support for the Police Veterans In Schools Program. A Simple request we would have thought, but here we are four weeks later and not even an update.
The Government was approached nearly two months ago on the same issue, and they also have not replied, but they are waiting on a response from VicPol. If the Minsters Office can not get a reply we have no hope.
Well we are sick of waiting, but rather than go away we are discussing at our next Board meeting launching the program despite VicPol, and ‘the gloves are off’.
Be interesting media for Vicpol explaining to Victorian parents why Police Veterans have to give up part of their retirement to do something VicPol should be doing.
So much for the lectures from VicPol about being interested in trying to prevent our kids from being sucked into crime.
Sounds like lip service.
by CAA | Aug 23, 2019 | Library, Police Veterans in Schools, PTSD, Uncategorized
23rd of August 2019
The news of four deaths in a week is by any stretch a pandemic of epic proportions, and it is very unlikely that this will be the end of it, it could get much worse.
Today there have been apprehensions expressed echoing what concerns the CAA, that Judicial Personnel Management (JPM) is at the core of many of these unfortunate outcomes, and has left many other Police in a very unhealthy and perilous mental state.
JPM is describing a procedure whereby Judicial processes are used to remove any member who for whatever reason is perceived to be a problem. It is too common that very weak poorly investigated disciplinary or criminal Briefs are, ’given a run’, through internal disciplinary processes or courts where a conviction is not the major objective, but the removal of the member is.
Like every other member or veteran, we are very dismayed at the terrible blight that is descending on Policing. There is no doubt this has been some years in the making hence our concern it will get worse.
The CAA, although having some trained Peer Support Officers in the group, has at least a number of very senior retired police who have substantial experience. The independence from VicPol and the very nature of the former members in the group may be able to help members.
The CAA appeals to any current or former members who are struggling with mental health issues to contact us.
We were never established as a welfare unit, nor do we intend to be one, but as we would expect of every other member to reach out to a distressed colleague, so should we.
“We would rather sit with you for as long as it takes to listen to what you’re going through than fifteen minutes listening to your eulogy.”
If you need to contact us via Facebook, LinkedIn or via we are here.
by CAA | Aug 12, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
Status is reachable
John Thexton
Investigator, Masters Degree Leadership andMngt (Policing), Dip. Alc & Oth Dr… See more
On the eve of the funeral of the most respected Chief Commissioner in the history of Victoria Police, S.I. “Mick” Miller, it would be helpful to reflect what we can learn from his ten years as Chief Commissioner and his service so that we do not fulfil the above quote.
Mick Miller knew how to catch crooks and ensured members of Victoria Police were trained to do likewise. He developed the Bureau of Criminal Intelligence which went around Australia and resulted in the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence. He instigated the creation of the Special Operations Group to address the threat of terrorism and highly dangerous criminals.
He also ensured leaders were trained to do just that, lead, so much so that those who progressed through the ranks under his tutelage went on to become Commissioners of police forces in Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.
He was a strong supporter of recognising and empowering the voice of victims and appreciated to gain change you needed the right messenger, that messenger was V.O.C.A.L., Victims of Crime Assistance League, led by Howard Brattan. This led to Victims being given a voice through legislation in Victoria and throughout Australia.
He also fulfilled his oath of office to do everything in his power to prevent offences. He did this by empowering every citizen to contribute through Neighbour Hood Watch and also supported innovation from police at the coal face, bottom up not just top down, to prevent youth crime, which led to Blue Light Discos being developed through Victoria, followed by other states and to other countries.
He understood the importance of breaking down barriers between operational police and young people. He ensured police officers had time to attend Blue Light Discos on duty and that at each selection panel each candidate was asked what has your involvement been in Blue Light Discos.
He changed the culture of many in policing and saw prevention as the role of police and that police had a leadership role to play in prevention. Other programs developed through his leadership, being Protective Behaviours taught to primary school students and the Safety House program. His influence continued through the next two Chief Commissioners, Kel Glare, who continued to professionalise policing with the introduction of Police Prosecutor training and prevention through the introduction of the Police Schools Involvement Program and Police and Community Consultative Committees leading to Neil Comrie’s further development with the introduction of Local Priority Policing, again empowering communities to be involved making their communities safer. This was a period of engaging with the community and putting into practise one of the founding principles of policing developed by Sir Robert Peel and the first Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police in London in 1829 that police are the public and the public are the police.
From then on engagement with the community and youth and prevention began to disintegrate from being a core function of Victoria Police Command, although it did continue at the coal face. Victoria Police Command withdrew resources and support from the Police Schools Involvement Program, High Ropes, Blue Light, Neighbourhood Watch and Operation Newstart as well as a raft of local initiatives. This has contributed to spiralling youth crime. It has also removed opportunities to prevent youth being involved in other high risk taking behaviour, as we have again tragically seen today, of youth getting into cars and then being killed and seriously injured by reckless drivers.
Vale Mick Miller, let his legacy be the catalyst for change in police leadership in Victoria and make a lie of “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history”.
by CAA | Aug 12, 2019 | Library, Uncategorized
12th August 2019
Over recent years I had been visiting Mick more frequently than I had previously, perhaps once every other month until the time he went into care. He was usually to busy for more frequency.
Over the last few years, he was very much across what the CAA was doing, and we discussed it regularly.
At each visit, I did my duty and provided the Vanilla Slices from the local Brumbies – running late one day I grabbed them from my local cake shop, but he was right on to my subterfuge attempt, and although gracious, let me know.
Eating a vanilla slice was a very practised art for Mick, and there was a certain way that the slice must be approached. I must confess that taking the ‘squish’ out of vanilla slices did not seem right.
I once took a selection of exotic Greek cakes for him, and although we ate one each, the balance went into the fridge for his daughter. I always wondered whether she actually got one. He had a wicked sweet tooth.
On one visit while he had a vanilla slice, he produced some diabetic biscuits for me. Eating cardboard while he ate his slice was tuff but he insisted I take the balance of the packet home. I suspect he actually went to some trouble to get the biscuits, so I expressed my gratitude.
He asked lots of questions about our work and was forthcoming with ideas and positive comments. He expressed the view that our function was critical, given the state of Policing as it then was.
His view was that for two reasons he could not get directly involved in the CAA. The first was that he was getting too old for the fight, and secondly, a charity he was involved with was in negotiations with the Government, and although he didn’t care about upsetting anybody, he had others to think of.
The charity is a not for profit funeral home that provides funerals to those that could not afford it. Mick was very strident in that people no matter how they lived their life on earth; they were entitled to leave it with dignity.
At one meeting he was talking about the Funeral Homes Hearse, and how they were getting a new one, ”I want at least to be taken out in a good one”, was his quip.
Every meeting was similar as he always started by asking after Kelvin Glare, whether I had seen Ivan Kolarick, (former ethnic adviser to VicPol)and made comments about Geoff Wilkinson(former media director for VicPol) and Dr Bob Haldane (Police Historian).
He did talk about VicPol Leadership, and he had been very disappointed. He took particular exception to one that deserted their post at a time of crisis, and that was inexcusable.
He was optimistic about the future of VicPol as it was resilient and his only comments about future leaders was that Sir Ken Jones or Lucinda Nolan were the only ones he could see as capable of doing the job needed.
His parting comments on each visit was “Keep up the good work”.
We will Mick, we will RIP.
Ivan W Ray